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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. Saw my first 30 second MJ ad just now. Good ad that was a condensed version of her long video. Doesn’t get into policy but will be great for name recognition if she has the money to run it often.
  2. Well, when they start collecting statistics on white people calling the cops on black people for no reason I will be the first to post them here.
  3. I said it on this thread 5+ pages back but middle and upper class white women have been so convinced that their safety is so easily threatened that the slightest perception of risk justifies a laundry list of ridiculous actions. This includes racial profiling is ok because “safety”. Even daily hassles like returning your cart at the grocery store are no match for “safety”. I know plenty of these types and try to bring up statistics to no avail. I learned quickly that actual “safety” doesn’t even matter. They want to FEEL safe. Sorry black folks, their feelings are more important than you living life without the cops being called on you for walking down the street. Rant over.
  4. At the school I work at, Gaga ball is an arguing competition where the goal is to convince all the other kids that they are out and you are still in. The kid with the most persistence, loudest voice, and most threatening demeanor wins. No athletic ability required.
  5. Ted Cruz thinks you aren’t fit for having all those kids with your potty mouth.
  6. What does that even mean? Dog whistle to conservative families that a Beto rally might expose their kids to pedos? No clue where he is going....
  7. I’m in round rock and it looks like 0% chance of rain, not 70% like the iPhone weather app says.
  8. Hi sign is making great beer right now.
  9. Let’s talk about voter turnout in Texas. The statewide voting-aged population is a mixed bag, made up of 45% White, 37% Hispanic, 11% Black, and 6% Asian/other residents, according to projections from the Center for American Progress. On its face, the majority-minority status of the state indicates that Democrats, who have an edge among non-white voters, would prosper in the state. Obviously, that’s not the case. This is because the actual electorate is much redder, made up of 61% White, 21% Hispanic, 13% Black, and 5% Asian voters according again to the CAP. Notably, the share of white voters was down 2% in 2016 compared to 2012. Damnit, go vote people. The demographics are already there.
  10. вернуться в Россию
  11. How is hi sign doing? Going to survive the construction? Love their beer.
  12. Very true. Pot means she’s doing anal. Sorry OP.
  13. Get her on birth control. If she smokes, she pokes. Or something like that.
  14. I know some people found John madden annoying but this is going too far.
  15. Because they vote in primaries.
  16. The area where CP, Austin, and western RR meet is becoming blue rapidly. For example, HRC easily won Avery ranch. Brushy creek had two precincts. One slightly for trump, the other slightly for Clinton. When republicans lose the burbs their empire will crumble quickly because all of their gerrymandering assumes they win those areas.
  17. This is why actblue is so important. Dems are going to have to bring new people into the fold to ever have a chance against the PAC money. Beto is proving that those $25 donations will add up and you can compete with them. We have to shift from just voting to donating, campaigning, etc as troph said. The dem votes are out there in strong enough numbers to turn Texas blue right now. We just lack the money and organization to get everybody registered and to the polls.
  18. Is there a single minority in that Cruz pic? How many that are for sure under 50? It looks like a geriatric lynch mob.
  19. I felt like we would be ok no matter who won his election vs Obama. Same for the Romney election. Then we got this orange motherfucker.
  20. It’s like a convention of people trying to get their life back after being the victim of phone call scammers.
  21. My wife tried to talk to her sister about Beto this morning using one of his commercials as a conversation starter. Her sister called Beto a communist. Sigh...
  22. Thanks for making me laugh! As long as Beto can count on your support on Nov. 6, and you please share what you know about him with others and encourage them to VOTE! Actually had a good but brief text conversation. Wish I could do more but this time of year is killer for school administrators. Put in 13 hours today plus commute. It will be better closer to the election so maybe I can do something then.
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