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Posts posted by TreatyOak

  1. This will be a rare post from me that is not solely an image that I've photo-comped together. 

    When I lived in NYC, one of my friend's brothers played for Columbia so I went and watched several of their games at Baker Field. Based at the very northern tip of Manhattan, it is a magnificent place to see a game. In my opinion, only West Point exceeds it for NYC-area settings for college football. 

    One of the companies I worked for rented Baker Field out for our inter-office game. The bastards on the other team brought in two ringers who had nothing to do whatsoever with our company. Whatever. 

    Okay, in keeping with my tradition, here is a vintage image of Aggy receiving a visit from friends at Kyle Field. 



    • Like 2
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  2. 2 hours ago, ztejas said:

    You know what. Fuck it. I'm gonna say it. Herman is a great coach. The whole idea of each game being just another step in the process, as simple as it is, is great coaching and a message that stick with you. It gives players something to work towards every single week regardless of what happened the week prior. 

    We've seen this team get better 3 weeks in a row. Let's make that 4. 

    Hook em. ftb


    Someone gets it. 

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