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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. Just a reminder to be kind and don't post tomorrow if you don't have to, as your posts will keep Surly staffers at office working on Super Sunday.
  2. Good morning, my old friends. As I mentioned earlier, my younger daughter's roommate works at the law firm that represents E. Jean Carroll. Yesterday, they sent me a pic of the roommate in her office wearing MAGA-red baseball hats with $83M across the front. It's beautiful! She's starting law school in the fall. I guess she has a pretty good resume.
  3. Never trust anyone named Tucker Carlson who went to Trinity College.
  4. I understand, but he can still reflect on all the twists and turns in his delusional mind that brought him to this ridiculous point. Funny how he thought he was bringing control back to the people and now he has lost all control of his own life. It's so ironic. And beautiful.
  5. Oh, that's funny. I wonder if @South Austin knew there already was a movie very similar to his joke?
  6. I think you can make a case either way. With a vehicle, you can injure far more people, but you're not setting out to intentionally cause harm. Attacking a woman, even if in the act of defending yourself, is an intentional act, which some would argue is worse. Both are fairly awful, for sure.
  7. "Irresponsible" really isn't the right word to describe hitting, choking and biting a woman.
  8. Seriously, if I got a 17-year sentence like Proud Boys idiot Joe Biggs, I would spend every day wondering how I allowed myself to get sucked into such a ridiculous situation. Of course, he may be too stupid to process information. 17 years (which may be reduced) is an incredibly long time.
  9. You’re right. The magazine folded that summer when the donation money went missing. I saved one of the two magazines that were test printed. I figure it’s probably worth around $600.
  10. Perhaps you'll enjoy this cover from the glory days of Surly Horns Magazine.
  11. I believe you mentioned that before. Kudos for knowing that. You may want to share that info with the refs who handled the Detroit Dallas game.
  12. I really respect Brittany's message to people criticizing Jackson Mahomes' for his sexual abuse incident that they should shut the F up. Experts in counseling victims of sexual abuse also agree that victims should shut the F up. It's the best way for them to recover from the trauma they've suffered.
  13. Since we're discussing domestic abuse, that's not funny. Okay, maybe it's a little funny.
  14. It doesn't matter one bit that Randi Trew "has a documented history of being a drunken, abusive person." It doesn't matter one bit that Randi Trew "was a drunken asshole for the entirety of the NYC trip." (you literally have no idea if this true or not, btw) It doesn't matter one bit that Randi Trew "was drunk the night of the incident." It doesn't matter one bit that Randi Trew "instigated and escalated the entire incident from the night in question, including the physical assault." Those problems are between them and a judge, if required. What does matter to the University of Texas and fans is that Coach Beard retaliated, bit her, choked her, hit her, was arrested, and remained unrepentant. He can't coach here any more. And yes, it sucks. Have fun in Mississippi.
  15. Why would you say that? I wasn't referring to me in any way, cause I'm not gay. Please take this down, you're totally wrong. Hahah, how you could even think that? That's really funny. Did you remove it yet?
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