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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. No coach who ever won a Super Bowl has ever won another one with a different team.
  2. They look better dressed to me than any male over the age of 20 who wears the jersey of his favorite player.
  3. I figured. Calling VY's uncle an idiot was wrong on my part. I apologize. Low-rent criminal idiot would have been better. My bad.
  4. I shot with Walter Iooss Jr. Talented guy, but dude lived in the Hamptons and showed up two hours late to our shoot in NYC. Whole shoot was eight hours. #triggered
  5. Even though I still have PTSD from Baker's games vs Westlake, I feel bad for him in one regard. Both VY and Baker are similar in that they both were screwed financially by relatives. SIAP, but Baker is currently suing his father's company which has somehow lost (stole) $12 million of his money. Baker's dad and his uncle are partners in two financial companies and can't explain what happened to the money. It's not suspicious at all. Vince got taken to the cleaners by his idiot uncle and some dodgy investors. As you know, VY somehow lost $27 million in guaranteed money. How is that even possible? It got so bad that creditors would wait for Vince to get on the Buffalo Bill's practice field and then try to speak to him about his debt. The Bills decided he was too much of a distraction and cut him.
  6. Who remembers that Surly Horns Magazine featured Lily, the AT&T girl, before she was the AT&T girl? #trailblazer #surlyhornshistory
  7. Best comment from TikTok: Is the Bills stadium built on an Indian graveyard?
  8. The irony is that any normal institution wouldn't be continually bragging about their operating budget and supposed revenue when they had SO LITTLE athletic success to show for it!! Aren't they embarrassed to have wasted so much money? And when did I wake up to a world where Ohio State just hired away the athletic director who presided over the most embarrassing contract fiasco in the history of athletics business?
  9. "Hey, Rachel, thanks so much for the interview. We're going to need a very long, head-shot of you looking at camera while a voice-over reads all the charges against you. There's a lot of charges so it will have to be at least 12 seconds long, and then we're done."
  10. 50% of this playoff loss was on the players, 50% was on Dak, and 50% was on the coaches.
  11. Now do the similarities between Lincoln’s and Kennedy’s assassinations.
  12. I don't know if he should worry about being convicted, but he should definitely be worried about facing Gloria Allread in the Hutchin's family civil suit. Guess his little PR campaign to finish the movie and pay off the Hutchin's family didn't go so well.
  13. For me, nothing will ever top the thrill of riding our bikes to 7-11 and picking up the Surly Horns Season Preview issue. We read it cover-to-cover, and always looked forward to the Awesome JUGGS spread. Having the readers write all the content was so ahead of its time.
  14. Sorry to sidetrack the thread. Here is a post to get things back on track:
  15. Crazy, right? @RomaVicta I did a cursory search on the internet and there seems to be some indication that this actually happened, which is kind of incredible. This site is called "The History of Longhorn Sports: "Coach Royal teaches OU head coach Chuck Fairbanks the intricacies of the wishbone against the advice of Emory Bellard." https://www.texaslsn.org/dkr-1971-1976#:~:text=Coach Royal teaches OU head,the advice of Emory Bellard. The following is from an interview w Emory Ballard: https://blog.kir.com/?p=4829 And finally, on legendary UT head coach Darrell Royal’s decision to teach the Wishbone to other programs, including arch-rival Oklahoma. OU refined the formation during the late 1970’s and 80’s to win National Championships and to dominate Texas after UT abandoned the Wishbone when Royal retired in 1975:
  16. Haha. Just wanted to share it cause if true, it's got to be the strangest coaching decisions of all time and I had never heard it before this year.
  17. Seems like it is pretty well documented with quotes from Emory Ballard
  18. Is that the same Darrell Royal who willingly taught his entire Wishbone offense to the Oklahoma coaching staff, who then used it against him, and then beat him in every game (except for year one), which ultimately spelled his demise? I'm not sure if a worse coaching decision was ever made.
  19. Totally. Stay tuned. I just shared your comment with my office. Everyone agrees this is exactly what will happen.
  20. I'm devastated. First, my fave coaching clown of ALL TIME, Jimbo, is canned. I'm still not over it. Now, the AD who had presided over the most hopelessly inept sports program is hired away. This is going to take some time for me.
  21. Now do a well-researched post about the National Championship trophy Aggy gave Jimbo
  22. "Public Ivy" Haha, okay. Over the years we've hired so many lazy, entitled dumbasses from there. Now that I think about it, when I worked in NY, we hired lots of dumbasses who graduated from Ivy League schools, as well, haha.
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