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Doug E. Fresh

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Posts posted by Doug E. Fresh

  1. On 5/30/2022 at 3:45 PM, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    watches, like trading cards and everything else, are riding a massive wave of free money. the bubble is absolutely going to pop and watch prices are going to take a massive hit. 

    Yup, I’ve been tempted to flip an AP and Vacheron but can’t bring myself to do it. Love them too much.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    The euro's drop against the dollar has been well-timed for me and the Portugal golden visa. It does have me thinking more seriously about how to mitigate currency risk however. We lived in London when one GBP cost more than $1.90. Boy did that suck.

    I recall that. I remember it getting over $2 to the £ in Fall of 2007, back when I was paid in USD. When it came back to around $1.50, my wife kept saying it was like the whole country was having a 25% off sale.


  3. 1 hour ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Not that I care about your opinion (never seen you on this board before) or that you know anything about advanced stats but Liverpool had a 2.14xg today and 2.58 expected goals on target today. Courtois had an amazing game and hats off to him. 

    If they played the same game 10 times, 9 of the 10 times they would score 2-3 goals. Today was the exception. It happens. 


    If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Nuge said:

    Could you let us know what these "natural causes" were?  Pretty please with sugar on top?

    I could, but I’m not sure it really matters. Wasn’t a prolonged disease, wasn’t something he was suffering with. Was here and gone in a matter of days.

  5. Was back at the pub this afternoon, which Fletch lived immediately next door to. Heard the details of what happened and will say that the “natural causes” report is more than appropriate. it clearly was. 

    Talked to his son Joe a bit (who lived with Fletch and mom), who was holding it together remarkably well for the moment. Lots of love and support for him there. It’s a very locals and neighborhood pub that knew Fletch and son well. Pretty sad stuff.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, markstanco said:


    There it is. Because I like guns and target shooting means I like kids getting killed. Stop watching msnbc bro.

    Tell me, and be honest. Me going out and target shooting with my boys, does that (to you) mean I like murder of kids? Yes or no answer please.


    He didn’t say you like kids getting killed. Of course you don’t. But what he is saying is that your own selfish interest over owning assault rifles is more important to you than putting in some simple, basic gun control measures.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  7. 4 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Well, other than my wife, and my doctor, you fuckers are the only ones to know.  I had an endoscopy last Thursday as I have had increasing difficulty swallowing food.  The scope showed a stricture (narrowing of the esophagus near the stomach that he stretched out.  As a matter of course, like a colonoscopy, they took a few biopsies.  I got a call last night from my GE.  I got the cancer.  He's not an oncologist, so doesn't want to try to paint to much of a picture, but it's in the esophagus, so likely esophageal cancer.  That's not a good cancer.  Referred me to a top thoracic oncology surgeon at City of Hope.  Haven't yet connected.  Until the tests are done, really won't know the stage or any of that.  I've been literally having an out of body experience the last 18 hours.  Like it's somebody else.  But it's me.  Not sure how to process it.  Of course all I can think about is my family.  Son is graduating HS in a week.  I don't want this to fuck him up, so may wait to tell the kids until afterwards.  And he's planning on spending his first year of college in London.  I don't want this to fuck it up.  And, well, they really need me around.  

    I'm having lunch with a few buddies today, one of which has brain cancer that is terminal.  He and I have been friends since we were kids.  I'll be driving him home.  He'll be the 2nd person I tell.  Figured he can relate.


    All the best and sorry to hear that. Let me know when you make it over to London to see your son, pints are on me.

  8. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    Because they're fun. And cool. And everyone needs a hobby. That's it.

    I'm actually okay with that explanation from the few gun owners honest enough to give it. (Provided they pass a full background check and safety course, license their weapons, and prove safe and adequate storage.)

    But, if I have to hear another person B.S. me about "protection" and "good guys with guns" and "standing up to tyranny" and "inalienable rights" I'm going to mother fucking lose it.


    I knew the answer before I posted the question but wanted to see a response. The reality is the greater good is more important than one’s selfish interests. But we’re too selfish.

  9. 6 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    He had to have passed a background check to get those if obtained legally.  So now what?  He was reported multiple times apparently.  Red Flag laws?  Define how in this instance it would have deterred his psychotic spree?  His parents tried to kick him out multiple times, but is there any indication he made threats about shootings?

    Align red flag laws and mental health?  That has been the constant in every one of these?  The mental health of the young shooter.  I can get behind that, but how does the definition and implementation look like?

    How about why the fuck does an 18 year old, or anyone really, need an AR-15? Explain that to me….if you can. This country has lost the plot.

  10. Finally got our flights and hotels booked for June. We are flying into Dubrovnik and only staying one night. I don’t want to deal with the cruise ship crowds so will pick up a car the next morning and go to Mostar for a night. The bulk of the trip will then be in Split-Vis-Hvar but may also do a day in Brac or Korcula.

  11. 11 minutes ago, CycleTex87 said:

    Interested in your take on the MAM.  I hit the Tate in London some years ago and there’s a wide definition on what constitutes art. 

    No shit. Went to this exhibit below at the Tate Modern on Friday night. The concept was cool but there were literally two rooms to visit and we were done in about 15 minutes. Oh well, I was happy to get back to the pub.



  12. 22 hours ago, Disco Strangler said:

    I have guns.  Several.  You could have them all tomorrow if we could rid ourselves of this blight.   How much more of this shit are we going to put up with? 

    Question for you - if you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you just give them up now? Not trying to kick off here but I’m honestly curious what keeps one from just doing it.

  13. 1 minute ago, shadow_operative said:

    i've never believed that they are out to get us. ever. it's a ridiculous idea. but for whatever reason, arsenal consistently gets officiated differently from what we see for other teams around the league. it's just straight up puzzling to me. 

    ie- when Martinelli was sent off earlier this year by getting two yellow cards in one run of play. some arsenal fan immediately found footage of the same exact officiating crew from like a week or two prior, and no card was given to a player in that game who committed the exact same "slow down the throw in" foul that Martinelli was booked/sent off for. again, it's just puzzling and frustrating.

    I get your frustration, maybe, but I can tell you it’s not a common view. This is coming from someone that lives in Central London and am around supporters of all major teams.

  14. 6 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    i stated a long time ago in this thread that holding deserved that. that's not the issue. this is:


    that, and calling a penalty for a handball, then doing a VAR review, realizing there was no handball, and going, "eh i already called it a penalty, so let's just call it a foul anyway." that moment completely changed the game. 

    and don't even try to tell me that the contact cedric made deserved a penalty when this wasn't even so much as a foul:


    You’re delusional. Holding played loose and wild yesterday. Wasn’t the officials that caught Arsenal, you got beat straight up.

    look, you have 2 light matches left and if you win you’re set in the top 4. I’m off to the FA CuP tomorrow. Hope Chelsea gets this shit done but gonna be tough.




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