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Everything posted by jkates

  1. This is correct. I saw several different videos where the fires started in the attics.
  2. That Buffalo Wild Wings location is THE WORST.
  3. This is the dumbest critique of Rogan but it's prevalent. At the end of the day, people need to stop acting like Rogan’s job is to be some kind of truth cop. He gives his guests a platform to speak, and it’s up to us to listen critically and think for ourselves. Isn’t that how it should be? Who Decides What’s "Misinformation"? This word gets thrown around way too much these days. What’s called “misinformation” today might turn out to be true tomorrow (or at least worth considering). Tons of ideas that were once mocked are now common knowledge. Hearing Different Opinions is Valuable: Rogan’s podcast is all about bringing on guests with different perspectives. Some agree with the mainstream; some don’t. So what? That’s the point! You don’t have to agree with everything, but hearing different sides is how you grow. Free Speech, Anyone? It’s a podcast, not a fact-checking newsroom. The beauty of Rogan’s style is that it’s just open conversation. If he pushed back on every little thing, it’d feel fake and scripted. Let people talk, and let the audience figure it out. The Audience is Not Dumb: This is the internet. People know how to Google. If they hear something wild on the podcast, they can dig deeper and decide for themselves. Rogan’s listeners aren’t all mindless drones. Experts Disagree All the Time: A lot of Rogan’s guests are legit experts or people with unique experiences. Just because their opinions don’t match the mainstream doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Sometimes, going against the grain is what moves things forward. Avoiding Echo Chambers: Shutting down certain ideas just because they’re “controversial” is how you end up in an echo chamber. Rogan’s podcast is one of the few places left where people can explore weird or unpopular opinions. Intent Matters: Misinformation and disinformation aren’t the same thing. Disinformation is about lying on purpose, and most of Rogan’s guests aren’t out here trying to deceive anyone. They’re just sharing what they know or believe. Talking About Controversial Stuff is How We Learn: When guests say something spicy, it sparks conversations and debates. That’s how ideas get tested and refined. Shutting it all down would just make people suspicious anyway.
  4. Over the years, our Game Wardens and TXPWD biologists have told us that most "mountain lion" sightings are sightings of bobcats. This is in both Austin and Edwards County.
  5. My 11-year-old daughter took her first whitetail from our place in Cat Spring (Austin County) this past weekend. 80-85 yard shot with an AR-15 chambered in .223. She has sat in a blind with me, my son, or my father maybe a dozen times over the years, but this was her first time to shoot. We were after does and she took one with a heart shot.
  6. This is all just testing. Getting BLOWN UP, SIR! in this phase ain't nothin' to worry about.
  7. Your envy of rich people is weird but entertaining.
  8. While I don't think the goal of Vivek or Elon is to maximize their wealth via this DOGE, I also don't care all that much if, in the end, the government spending gets a big haircut.
  9. It'll be interesting to watch it play out. I've recently listened to several long-form formal interviews or conversations involving Elon and Vivek. I think their concern for the government's financial state is real. Sure, they will play it a certain way in the media, but I expect them to positively affect America's bureaucratic bloat.
  10. OTOH, a friend of mine has been at Mar-a-Lago since Election Day and says Musk is well received. It's all anecdotal.
  11. Thank you for sharing.
  12. Probably. None has surfaced yet.
  13. I knew that was you stalking my LinkedIn!
  14. Shotwell is awesome. As I wrote before, I worked with Spacex for over a decade. No question about who is in charge. It's Musk. That doesn't diminish Shotwell. She performs her role exceptionally. Being #2 at such a large force of a company means she's also in charge....after Elon.
  15. That's admirable. Good for his family.
  16. Oh, this line again. (Ad hominem - a fallacy employed by someone with no argument on the topic at hand) What predator did I defend again? And where have I claimed to be holy? Anyway, Spacex is cool and Musk is leading it.
  17. It's also a dumb criticism without foundation in reality. I worked closely with Spacex for over a decade. Most of the people I interacted with voiced respect for Musk and Shotwell. They are not worried about the spotlight on him. They are trying to change the world/universe and having a blast doing it. Puns intended. I'm sure some employees don't like leadership/Musk. That happens in every company of this size. Nothing burger.
  18. If you move the goalposts...
  19. I've probably defended someone along the way. Especially if I know the truth and others only know out of context stuff and/or rumors. Is defending my friends against lies bad in your book?
  20. That's simply not true, but I'm not going to try to change anyone's mind. I have my disagreements with both, and I know both personally, but I'm sure random people on the internet are a better source. Carry on.
  21. They are father and son, but neither is a piece of shit.
  22. Pretty boring race today.
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