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Posts posted by jkates

  1. 17 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Coach is starting practice this week with split squad to keep under the groups of 10 rule. 
    this puts us in an awkward position of possibly holding our kid back from probably his favorite activity. 

    Why would you not let him practice?


    Our dads group text message for my son's select team got really restless this morning. Trying to plan a practice. The problem is we normally rent field space from our local league. Those fields are on school district property, so they are closed. Now, local dads are taking their kids up to these fields all the time, but rarely more than 1 or 2 at a time and holding team practices is forbidden. Our coach is trying to lean on the program director since this wouldn't be a league team practicing together, it would be a select team. We could keep 4 kids in the cages, 4 on the infield, and 3 in the outfield, or something to keep our spacing....

  2. 1 hour ago, UTPhil2006 said:

    Random question..

    When the season comes back and it's "no fans" games, are employees allowed to be there still for the games?

    I would imagine that certain employees have to be there but others won't be allowed. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Hate said:

    It’s been long enough since the Bulls dynasty was ongoing that a bunch of people watching the show would have no context to understand the “issues” the 97-98 Bulls faced and why it all ended the way it did. They have to tell the complete story or a good percentage of people watching won’t get it. For those of us who lived through Jordan becoming the GOAT, it’s a great trip down memory lane. I loved seeing the UNC footage as well as the early Bulls footage. I remember watching the 86 playoff game against the Celtics and just thinking to myself “holy shit, what was that” and I grew up watching one of the best scorers in NBA history, George Gervin.

    I agree that they need to provide the backstory. There were just a few times when I thought it was too choppy or jumpy, and a few other times where it didn't go deep enough on an issue. Just a small criticism. Overall, I give the first 2 episodes an A-. Looking forward to more. DVR set. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, F250 said:

    I really like arm care approach because it involves training for proper mechanics which is great for long term success and physical health. My youngest son started using a Jr. J Band when he was 9 years old and I started him on the Jaeger throwing program at the same age. His older brothers were older when they started 14 and 12. This is just anecdotal but I think my youngest benefited from being on a throwing program early on. I didn't see a lot of benefits for the first couple of years but once puberty kicked in his new strength combined with clean mechanics was noticeable. His older brothers needed a lot of tweaks when they had their growth spurts.

    I've seen a lot of kids injure their arms over the years and a majority of the causes were due to overuse and poor mechanics. If a kid is playing baseball from the Spring through Summer they should definitely be involved in a throwing program.



    Arm care is legit. My friends who send their kids there love it. Lots of core work. Lots of stretching. Working on mechanics and form. 

    What's the best link to learn about the Jaeger throwing program or Jbands? How simple is it to employ? 

  5. 14 hours ago, F250 said:

    Speaking of long toss. Does anyone have their kid on a Throwing Program like the Jaeger program and does your kid use J bands or similar devices?

    My son does not but a few of his peers do. His select team and the one above it (10U and 11U) have worked with Kip Wells here in Houston. Kip uses the bands and pitches his program as an "arm care" program, not "pitching lessons." We went to the team/group lessons but I can't afford to send him there solo, but a few on our 10U squad still go. The 11U coach bought bands for his whole team and they use them often.

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  6. There are kids and parents finding ways to try to keep developing.

    I took my son to one of our SBMSA fields on Friday. I went to MMS, where there are 4 fields. On 1 of the back fields I saw a tournament team, with 5 or 6 kids present, running a full on practice. On 1 of the front fields, a dad was putting his 2 sons and 1 friend through a workout. On 1 of the front fields, a dad was putting his 2 daughters through a softball workout. I took a back field and threw with my son, then he hit maybe 40 balls off the tee, then I threw to him for maybe 40-50 swings.

    There are kids and parents finding ways to try to keep developing. Practice reps are more beneficial to development anyway. You can go an entire tournament and field just a few balls. My son fielded 25 ground balls in about 3 minutes in our time on the field. 

    There are kids and parents finding ways to try to keep developing. I've taken my son to these MMS fields 6 times since March 13th and have never been out there alone. (We do go to a lesser known field sometimes and are often alone there.) Beyond just getting out of the house, some of these kids want to keep working on things. My son has told me his specific goals as it relates to his hitting and pitching. Some of them are good, some are silly kid things, but I'm happy that he wants to try to improve. Now how do I make him the same way about reading? 

  7. 3 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    The ones for are league are owned by the city. The local school district has canceled everything and the city seems to be announcing closures one at a time so no guidance there. The league president did say they were basically going to follow what the school district does. But if this thing stretches to summer they'll have to look elsewhere for guidance.

    Whole thing is FUBAR. Is there a chance that leagues are allowed to have their regular seasons in June and July? So many possibilities right now. Tournament teams (all-stars) go play the tournament while the other kids still play the regular season? Could get wild.

    Maybe a super-shortened tournament. A global single elimination tournament may be what ends up happening if they can get it in at all. Lots of districts and regions have double elimination or pool play before single elimination.

    I put in a LOT of work in 2 new roles this year with our sports association that is now for naught.

    Role 1: Scheduler. I created the schedule for all of our divisions. 168 teams in 7 divisions. Well, all of those schedules are now worthless.

    Role 2: Youth Umpire Coordinator. We have 7th-12th graders that umpire our lower level games. We had over 150 kids looking to earn a paycheck this spring. Managing that was going to be a lot. But now....nothing.

    I miss it all.

  8. On 3/15/2020 at 11:34 AM, Pato del Muerto said:

    Coach just texted a reminder that there’s practice today. So no plans to alter or halt things. Guy is a high school principal, but I get the distinct feeling that people here think we are remote enough that it’s not an issue, or that no positive tests in cody means no cases in cody, or that it’s just the flu. 
    they might not understand like I do how many adidas employees have been traveling back and forth from Los Angeles every week for months. 

    im happy to appear foolish when this is over. 

    Some of the LL fields around here are actually on property owned by school districts, so they are forced off even if a coach wants to practice.

  9. On 3/8/2020 at 12:01 PM, BrazilHorn said:

    Won two games in 10u tournament yesterday to earn 1st seed and finally a start at a reasonable hour. 

    The boys played great and beat a team that they’d lost to in prior tournament. 

    Hopefully they can win 1st game today and continue momentum. 

    My son's squad went 3-2 in a tournament this weekend....in scenic LaPorte, TX! 

  10. On 2/25/2020 at 7:41 PM, txhorns said:

    Sorry for the upcoming rant.  The guy who was the President of my local little league really fucked it up.  Four years ago the league had $13k saved up for expenses.  Now there isn't a penny.  None of that went to the league or fields.  The fucker spent it all on his kid's travel team.  Now he is gone. 

    The fields are shitty.  The concession stand that hasn't been used in 3 years is shitty.  The bathrooms are shitty.  There is no useable equipment for the teams.  There is no dirt on the fields.  They are all grass and weeds, lots and lots of weeds.

    A couple of other guys and I have stripped the infield down to dirt and added what little topsoil we had available.  The bathrooms, concession stand, dugouts and press box/equipment room building have all been pressure washed and cleaned.  I have sprayed all fields for weeds twice but with no success.  Still fields that are 100% weeds.  

    Where is this? Which LL?

    We had our 1st team practice yesterday....and I wasn't there because I was traveling back from my father-in-law's burial in CO. My assistant said we looked OK.

  11. On 2/10/2020 at 10:09 PM, Beau Vine said:

    Exactly.   When I watch baseball on TV, I watch the catcher's signals and try to figure out what pitch is coming.  Always have.  It really fucking annoys me when they're showing the crowd or some other stupid shit instead.  


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