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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by nnm

  1. 12 minutes ago, Dirk X West said:

    Bob Knight did pretty well at Tech.

    You're right.  I was conflating the end of the TTU careers of Bobby Knight, Pat Knight, and the Pirate.  While the latter two were fired, Bobby left on his own terms, albeit abruptly, with no notice, in the middle of the season, so that he could hand the reins to Pat, who was fired 3 years later.  

  2. 1 hour ago, gmr548 said:
    1 hour ago, nnm said:
    You know who’s been to a BCS/NY6 game?  UConn. 
    You know who has never been to a BCS/NY6 game?  The team from College Station. 
    Come to think of it, a guy at SECRant has put together a nice list:
    Teams that have played in BCS/NY6 Bowls more recently than Texas A&M:
    Kansas (won) 
    Northern Illinois 
    Western Michigan 
    Wake Forest 
    Oregon State 

    In State rivals Texas and TCU have not only played in, but have won multiple NY6/BCS bowls since Texas A&M last played in one 

    Neighboring Houston also has won a NY6 bowl since A&M last played in one 

    Brazos Rival Baylor has played in 2 BCS/NY6 bowls since A&M last played in one 

    (And no, the Cotton Bowl in 2013 nor the Peach Bowl in 2013 were considered BCS/NY6 bowls at the time A&M played in those two) https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/teams-that-have-played-in-bcs-ny6-bowls-more-recently-than-texas-aandm/84751159/

    Read more  

    I'll say it. Stretching a mention of UCONN into this is pretty aggy. That's some living in your head rent free stuff.

    Meh, I just think it's funny that when someone makes a comment that so-and-so program is irrelevant, I know that chances are they're more relevant than aggy.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, JohnLocke said:

    College football fans everywhere: "That's surprising. Good basketball, but I didn't realize they had a football team."

    You know who’s been to a BCS/NY6 game?  UConn. 

    You know who has never been to a BCS/NY6 game?  The team from College Station. 

    Come to think of it, a guy at SECRant has put together a nice list:

    Teams that have played in BCS/NY6 Bowls more recently than Texas A&M:
    Kansas (won) 
    Northern Illinois 
    Western Michigan 
    Wake Forest 
    Oregon State 

    In State rivals Texas and TCU have not only played in, but have won multiple NY6/BCS bowls since Texas A&M last played in one 

    Neighboring Houston also has won a NY6 bowl since A&M last played in one 

    Brazos Rival Baylor has played in 2 BCS/NY6 bowls since A&M last played in one 

    (And no, the Cotton Bowl in 2013 nor the Peach Bowl in 2013 were considered BCS/NY6 bowls at the time A&M played in those two)
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. @Llano Estacado, Nothing formal scheduled. I’ll be surprised if we even get to do a turkey trot, for goodness sake. I did the silly virtual run thing with the Houston Marathon org in June, in which you log your miles through the month and were eligible for trinket prizes. Big bag of blah. 

    Although I’ve many, many, many races through the years, from HS track 30+ years ago, untold number of local fun runs, etc., and a bunch of marathons and tris, I still get the pre-race shot of adrenaline at the beginning of a race. The butterflies, the weak legs, the feeling of both dread and joy. They all come, in one form or another, as the group gathers for the opening shot.  It doesn’t matter if it’s the local elementary school PTA 5k—it still stirs me up. I miss it. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I think my first foray into this area was in about 2nd grade.  Capri Suns.  Almost every kid in my school had Capri Suns.  No way in hell we could afford those.  This is going to sound even more odd, but we were also allowed to bring one healthy snack to school for recess.  I was in awe of those that would bring artichokes.

    When I got to college, I dated a girl from Lake Charles.  She also grew up poor; however, her parent struck it rich by opening a pipeline (oil) business.  She drove a Volvo.  She lived, by herself, in a 3 bedroom condo off Riverside.  One day, I happened to take a peak in her garage.  Turns out she had a brand new Jaguar with something like 1,000 miles on it just sitting in there.  When I went home with her over Christmas, I was absolutely amazed at some of the houses her aunts and uncles had.  Similar to some of the nicer houses in Westlake.

    On a positive note, I believe her parents ended up feeling somewhat guilty about their wealth, and moved to Africa to help build wells or somesuch.

    I’m sure you did take a peak in her garage. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Goldies are such goobers.  Love 'em!

    Six weeks ago our good friends said they were getting a golden puppy. I told them I thought they were crazy. We’re both recent empty nesters, with the freedom to go where we want, when we want, and not have to clean up dog hair, poop, or deal with puppy stuff. 
    Well, their existing rescue dog turned out to have some issues and did not coexist well with the puppy. 
    So now Mrs. NNM (no pics, you degenerates) and I are the owners of a golden puppy. Yay us!

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  7. 4 hours ago, ztejas said:

    I'm not sure what I thought. I probably didn't care, just along for the ride. 

    It gets better though - we get to East Austin - she finally gets the address. It's off of Oak Knoll and 183. So we return home. Then she realizes that the address she got was from a different listing she had been replying to. Then the first seller gives her the address, which is in East Austin - not a block from where we were.

    Well done. Back on track. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Alex Karev said:

    I could care less if the Pac-12 ever plays another down of football at this point. If they play they play.  They are just playing games to see what they can accomplish to play a game....

    How much less?  Enough to type three more characters?

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  9. On 7/30/2020 at 7:40 AM, Grippe said:

    Been stabbed (accidentally), shot (shotgun accident, was only a little bit of shot), have had roken ribs (the sneezing pain ain't no joke), broken bones in all my limbs (including compound fracture in my leg on a skiing accident), cracked skull as an infant, etc., but my top 3 painful are:

    3.  Herniated disc (5 surgeries): As others on here can attest, it awful in a burning knife cutting it's way down the back of your leg kind of way

    2.  Acute diverticulitis (the killing kind): Feels like someone has stabbed you multiple times in your lower gut and there's no remedy other than waiting for the antibiotics to work (finally had my intestines re-sectioned)

    1.  Testicular Torsion: When your nut spins inside the sac and cuts off the blood flow to the testi - fast ramp pain (less than 5 minutes) that left me curled up on the floor unable to unlock from a fetal position while throwing up, shitting and pissing myself all while my young kids (2 and 3) were sitting there screaming and crying because they didn't know what was happening to daddy

    Yeah, I had the testicular torsion in college. Was visiting my SMU girlfriend in Dallas at the time. That is horrific pain. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    I don't even know what it is that we need - I have ignored this entire imbroglio to the best of my ability. Mrs. Doom could give you a 10,000 word account of this entire clown show (and I bet you don't actually want to read that...) but I just go along with it, both because I don't really care or have an opinion on curtains, but also because I don't want to deal with the imbeciles we're pot committed with. 

    But the company is Smith and Noble - avoid like the plague. 

    Pot committed? Interesting business arrangement. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Sejjr said:

    This fucking thread is a perfect microcosm of how divisive the thinking is on this virus. Idiotically, there are two "sides" and both sides think they are smarter and more well-informed than the other. 

    We have a widespread virus among our society and we better fucking get used to living with it. What kind of life that means, pre-vaccine or 'magic bullet', is the biggest cause for debate. We are well past the "the virus is just a hoax" period of this shit. 

    The hoaxers are still quite real and quite vocal. Their main talking points are that the virus is not dangerous, that the death counts are vastly overstated because every death is treated as C19, that masks don’t work and are an overreach of big government, that the media is creating the fear porn in order to shut down our economy and get the president out, and that all the restrictions are not only unnecessary, but the first step in having big government control every aspect of all of our lives. They fervently believe that all C19 talk will be off the airwaves after the November election. 
    The other main board I’m on is filled with these folks. I can’t read a thread once it gets co-opted by them. And it’s a sports board. I don’t have FB or other social media. I can’t imagine how bad that stuff is. 

    • Hook 'Em 7
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  12. 1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I'm a paid subscriber to mlb.tv and there's a 15 sec ad in front of every fucking video, even those little 30 sec single highlight vids and there's no way to skip it.  If you want to make the poors that don't pay for a subscription sit through ads all day, fine.  But don't make those of us that are paying for it suffer as well.

    Trivial, you bet.  Surly af, damn straight.  Checks all the boxes.

    Freaking MLB tv being blacked out in Houston when you can’t attend a game even if you wanted to. 

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