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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by nnm

  1. 2 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    This is my house as well. I have maybe one soda a month, but it never fails that I go to get one and there are none in the fridge with 2 cases sitting on the ground next to the fridge.


    51 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    My hunting camp is the exact opposite.  The fridge gets stuffed to the brim with 12 and 24 pack cardboard beer boxes and then the beer is pulled out one can at a time.  All of the space in the fridge is taken up even though there is 1 can of beer in each of the 8 cardboard beer boxes.

    Oh, no, don't take the eight 95% empty beer boxes out and make room for, you know, something stupid like food; just stuff more full beer boxes in there to keep the near empty boxes company.

    Friggin retards.

    Yes, our drink fridge is a combination of these things. Empty beverage cartons are never taken out of the fridge, except by yours truly. Neither are the plastic 6-pack holders. They just magically take care of themselves, apparently. 

  2. 17 hours ago, MotownHorn said:

    You need someone to explain to you how people protesting for social justice is different from people cheering for their favorite football team to win a game?

    Dude, it’s common knowledge that protesting for the cause of the hour imbues one with magical anti-C19 serum. The more righteous the cause, the more righteous the serum. 

    CFB (well, any sporting event) on the other hand lowers immunities by several factors. two completely different scenarios. 

    Do you even science, bro?

    • Like 6
  3. 14 hours ago, Sandman said:

    Wife got a new laptop and wanted to use my USB drive to transfer her work stuff. I gave it to her and went about doing whatever the fuck I was doing at the time. Yesterday, she wanted it again and asked me for it. I told her she never gave it back, she vehemently denied that. I started looking for it and found nothing. She finds a 64gb drive and asked if that was the one. I was sure mine was 128gb so I said that wasn't the one. Again, I accused her of not puting it back, she said "I gave it RIGHT BACK to you when I was done!". I got on Amazon to order a new one and I decided to check and see when I bought the last one, because I was pretty sure it wasn't that long ago. Turns out, that 64gb one was mine after all. Hmm.

    Me: Hey, I was wrong. That drive is mine, I guess I just forgot it was 64gb.

    Her: THANK you. I told you I was pretty sure this was it!

    Me: So where did you find it, again? 

    Her: In my end table...

    Me: So you didn't give it back, like you said. You kept it. THANK you.

    Her: Tone


    • Like 1
  4. One of their revered MOH honorees was a horned frog. Carswell went to aggy for a year, got the hell out of there, transferred to TCU, played football, graduated, and was a proud horned frog all his life. He never claimed aggy, never wanted to be associated with them. But they speak about him and his sacrifice in hushed tones, as if it were theirs. Makes me sick.

    Texas A&M = Stolen valor. 

    • Like 3
  5. 15 hours ago, Doze said:

    Had to dig this old thread up.  I've been flying commercially since the 90's.....so, I know some things because I've smelt some things.   I was on a flight this weekend that was the worst.  Somebody was dropping the rancid for 2 straight hours.  The smell could knock a buzzard off a shitwagon even thru the mask.     Cigarettes are illegal, but I would rather smell Marlboro Red's than dealing with that again for 2 hours.  Anybody ever seen somebody called out for it on an airplane?  There's gotta be a limit....this is not "Nam.


    I sat next to that guy on a trans-Atlantic flight about 10 years ago. Every time I would start to nod off, WHAM, the SO2 would hit the nostrils. Took me a week to recover from that trip. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 38 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    I am not in any way apologizing for ESPN, which I never watch unless somehow there's  a UT game on, but it's got to be hard to be a sports programming network when there are no sports, and it has to be equally hard to be a sports network and not talk about politics when it is politics that have killed the sports on which you rely for your sports content.

    Didn’t the virus have a small part?

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    John Sharp still hasn’t delivered on his “game changer” promise to deliver 50 million doses of flu vaccine from the Texas A&M vaccine lab, but we know we can count on him delivering his comical “Fish Camp approved” defense of his hero, Sul Ross. 

    I’m glad Mr. Sharp understands what’s important to the people of Texas. 

    The ags tout their “corps” as being some sort of “leadership academy.” Well, now is the time for those leaders to stand up and start leading. Yet we hear nothing.

    How many tens of thousands of (predominantly white, reportedly male) aggys have participated in that “leadership academy” over the decades? And to date not one of them has stood up and acted like a leader during any of this turmoil. 

    Quelle surprise.

    Defund the aggy corps. It provides nothing positive for the people of Texas. If the aggys want to continue their worthless fraternity, let them pay for it out of their personal incomes. Or through a GoFundMe campaign. You know, turdition. 

    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. 

    Do tax dollars really go to support of the corps?  Is it because of general allocation to aggy, or is there a specific line item for support of corps?  Genuine question, I don’t know.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    Im a reading a book about black migration out of the south from 1915 to 1970 entitled "the Warmth of Other Suns" and one of my surprising take always is Florida is severely underrated on the most racist states charts. They somehow escaped the reputation of Mississippi and Alabama, but they belong right there alongside of them. 

    Excellent book. Highly recommended. 

    • Like 1
  9. Why any POC would go there is beyond me.   And yet their strategy to take over big brother by massively increasing enrollment means that their student body is more diverse than ever. But they can’t understand why that increased diversity is changing the face of their beloved university, or why those diverse people are raising questions about their beloved ass-backwards “traditions,” born in an era of exclusion. 

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