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Gene Parmesan

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  1. Yes I heard the segment as well. Nico must think AD is a top 5 player, and is the Batman to the other Robins on the team. That's why he singled in with the Lakers. Good luck scoring points in the playoffs.
  2. I don't know what it takes to move a franchise in the NBA. I know latching on to a theory straight from the script of Major League doesn't sound legit.
  3. I like The Departed. Not an all timer or anything, but it's entertaining. Completely agree on Scarface, overrated garbage.
  4. That's why I prefer to just binge a show after a few season rather than keeping up with it live. They put way too much time in between seasons.
  5. Super Bowl, huh? They still play that game
  6. When you watch a sport on the radio your eyes deceive you
  7. Oh is that what you were doing? Could have fooled me.
  8. It’s not comparable because Kawhi wanted out of SA. SA was forced to trade him. We did this to ourselves.
  9. Zero point zero. But the hypothetical says we do. In which case I don’t care if it’s without Luka.
  10. Occam’s razor they are just really shitty owners. Plenty of cities have lived through this. They just didn’t have as valuable of an asset to squander.
  11. This is dumb. I want the Mavs to win and I don’t give a shit with who. I’m only upset because I seen path to winning now. I’ll suck Nico’s dick if he proves me wrong.
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