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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. Replace bagel with leftover pizza and briefcase with more leftover pizza and that's generally how I roll.
  2. I think we can all appreciate the growth and maturity you are showing.
  3. I've seen it go both ways. Offense substitutes late and gets hit with the delay of game, or defense lazily subs and gets hit with 12 men on the field. There isn't a set amount of time, I think the rule calls for a reasonable amount of time, in which subbing your whole unit should be pretty substantial, but you are still at the refs discretion of reasonable.
  4. Who's done more research on the subject than the good people of the American Liquor Industry? They say it's harmless. Why would they lie? If you're dead, you can't drink.
  5. Where is your head when you are leading with your shoulder?
  6. Hate to be any GM that takes a QB in this class before the 3rd round
  7. The original was a Stoker adaptation without the rights so they changed the names.
  8. Yeah but in audibling to TD runs for the running back he's #1.
  9. The newer auto on/off bright sucks shit as well. It won't blind oncoming traffic but they'll stay on bright with someone going the same direction in front of you until you are right on their ass. At least for Honda that's the case.
  10. I don't know why, but when you become a dad, scaring your kids to the point of tears becomes a major priority in your life.
  11. Yeah the shitty mandolins on amazon try to build in some safety features ultimately causing them to suck, but the good quality ones just put RIP your fingers on the box.
  12. With the context that I already subscribe to Prime so this is free to me, it was fine and fun. If I paid for it, I'd say it fucking sucked.
  13. There will be starch residue on it, but I'm team quick rinse and put away. They take up way too much real estate in the dishwasher. My wife puts colanders/measuring cups/bowls/spoons that she used to measure water or simple dry ingredients in the sink to fester with all the other dirty dishes. If she cooks anything beyond a grilled cheese it's two loads worth of dishes in the dishwasher.
  14. There needs to be some sort of standard set. Some of these normal mode lights are brighter than my bights.
  15. Yep. He's not ready for the NFL, but there also isn't some perfect place for unelusive QB that is injury prone and lacks accuracy and zip beyond 20 yards.
  16. I know the narrative is that OU ran Gabriel off in favor of Arnold, but are we sure Gabriel didn't look at the coaching staff and come to the same conclusion.
  17. Pre injury he never lived up to his hype. He never had the elite speed or quickness that was billed, but he could still contribute. Post injury he wasn't even a P5 caliber player.
  18. Regardless of that tweet's accuracy he's not ready for the NFL.
  19. Has this dude even logged PT anywhere? It's one thing to be 5 star bust like Arnold/Weigman where you at least look competent enough in practice to get on the field and suck, but this dude can't even convince a coach to let him on the field.
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