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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. I don't mind the Sunday thing as much as the close at 9pm. Between my commute and kids stuff, it may be past 9pm before I get to even sit down. Then going to pour some brown water only to realize that your out is a kick to the balls.
  2. Whataburger went downhill well before Chicago took over. Everyone was just afraid to say it, but now they have an easy excuse.
  3. "There's two kinds of coaches, them that's fired and them that's gonna be fired." Not sure if he started it, but some variation is a common colloquialism in the coaching ranks.
  4. In the days before reserved seating was standard, I loved watching people wonder into a crowded theatre a few minutes before start, staring and pointing at possible open seats, and then dejectedly make their way to the front rows.
  5. A pivot table would do all that for you. I don't understand what you mean the end user won't understand? Just copy/paste as values if they don't want the pivot table functions.
  6. I think the CEO mentions are just talking points from Bjork. His extensive research on championship football programs concluded that you needed a defensive minded CEO coach paired with an elite offense. They are already half way there and he hasn't even coached a game yet.
  7. One DFW ice storm my wife took my crappy commuter car to work a nursing shift in Denton because she didn't want to get her brand new car stuck or crashed, she got pissed when she found out I took her brand new car to the liquor store that afternoon.
  8. Maybe your mom just rips huge farts in there
  9. All suck if you don't get them fresh. Chick fil a doesn't even belong on the list with their shitty waffle fries. I'd rather eat the sandwich wrapper.
  10. Is he going to retire? Who would be trying to hire him away?
  11. That was surly fanficton when we were coming to grips that we hired Sark.
  12. Outside of Austin Powers none of those movies were made as big films. They ended up being being big films due to critical acclaim and such, but they weren't made as blockbusters. She's nowhere near A list, even at her peak.
  13. I thought ND was notoriously cheap with coaches?
  14. What is the benefit of canned tomatoes/tomatillos other than convenience and cost? Does it taste better than fresh or just different?
  15. If I have hurt anyone out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart I'm so very, very sorry. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again.
  16. Nobody watches the NFL anymore. They have 5 years of solvency left tops.
  17. At some point in time in the mid aughts Cheddars had $1 or $2 margaritas.
  18. Give me a double meat bowl from Chipotle over anything from the Saltgrass menu.
  19. They have agents telling them their offers regardless of their portal status. Actually entering the portal is just a formality. It's meaningless.
  20. Is every fanbase obsessed with S&C coaches, or are we just special?
  21. Yeah I think the Horl brand was the original, and Tumbler the cheaper knockoff.
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