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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. Dahmer hits different because I was a kid hearing snippets of the news about it in the early 90s. With no other exposure to that world, he basically became a real life evil super villain that gave me legit nightmares. The rest I've read about as an adult with more context to that world.
  2. Asked and answered. Thanks gents
  3. As an aside from the current news, the other day the Musers brought up all the political ads they are playing. Cat said they were forced to do so. Is that true, or does he just want cover? I can see some archaic reason for it being forced, but for what it's devolved into today I don't really know why anyone would want to voluntarily get involved without being desperate for the money.
  4. All valid question I am not going to pretend to know the answers to. It's a new world though. 10 years ago there wasn't any precedent of going out and poaching established winning head coaches from major programs. Landings like that were all just considered lucky timing. Now these coaches have shown they can be had, but you are going to have to overpay just like any other free agency.
  5. I don't know about the offer to Kelly, but that's what I recall for Urban. I was referring to your statement that LSU offered Kelly our Urban deal. I don't think they did. They overpaid, but this is free agency, you aren't getting successful coaches to move without overpaying. I put his deal at LSU about what you can expect to get his experience and success he's had. That certainly doesn't guarantee anything though. Maybe in the Kelly saga he wanted the Urban contract from us, but went to LSU for less out of spite of us not offering that. If you want to win only paying your coaches 5-6mm a year, you are pretty much stuck hiring coordinators or G5 up and comers.
  6. Kelly is making less than 10mm a year. If that's what we offered Urban, no wonder he turned us down. Not saying I wanted Kelly, but his LSU salary looks par for the course to get a guy to jump ship from a major program.
  7. I don't disagree, it's just a funny situation where a guy's actual HC experience was ignored by two major programs in favor of his coordinator experience under two all time HCs.
  8. He was hired at USC based on his coordinator experience at USC. He was hired here based on his coordinator experience at Bama. Both schools ignored the actual HC experience he had, which didn't warrant jobs at either school.
  9. Burnt placenta
  10. Seems like putting their A team on afternoon is the path to make the biggest impact. The tickets morning game is too strong.
  11. Maybe she's ugly.
  12. Pretty much every fast food or family restaurant chain becomes overrated once your kids graduate from the kids menu. That first time at a restaurant when they order adult entrees and you get the bill.
  13. I prefer self checkout pretty much anywhere because it's faster for only grabbing a few things crowd. I would guess it's slower for those buying two weeks worth of groceries.
  14. We’re going to win 7 games? Awesome
  15. There are other mugshot pics that have him a 6' maybe 6'1". Not sure about that one above. Actual photos seem to have him look bigger than Peters, but nothing physically imposing. His victims were drugged.
  16. It's very well acted. With all the detective movies/shows you get the sense that serial killers are so meticulous making them so hard to catch, but then you watch this and realize no it's just that police in this country are garbage.
  17. Yuck monkey is used by The Ticket (radio station) in DFW to describe the host that is just there to provide laughs, but useless otherwise. I've never heard it used outside of listening to the ticket.
  18. I watched the live action remake with my daughter on Disney+. We both agreed it sucked, but neither of us really like the animated Disney version either. I had to tell her that the revenue generated from selling donkeys would in no way be able to fund such an elaborate amusement park. It's just not a fiscally sound business plan.
  19. Damn I posted in this thread several times and I barely remember this show. Some shit has happened since
  20. I'm in for the recipes.
  21. If that's Arch's phone battery level, Sark needs to pull his offer. There is no way anyone who lets their phone get to that level is going to accomplish anything in life.
  22. I've never seen it or heard about it with my wife being a hospital nurse for around 8 years. I don't doubt it's a thing though. Maybe it's more just ER docs/nurses which my wife wasn't. I do think it sounds a little weird still being such a well known thing. Are ER docs/nurses also more known for partying in their off hours? I get their job is mentally and can be physically demanding, but it's not difficult to stay hydrated when working in an air conditioned building.
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