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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. I don't think he tried very hard. It was pretty transparent imo, but I agree the resentment was justifiable.
  2. 1 is the no brainer if you can swing it. Another cutting cost option is to use a countertop ice maker for the kitchen. That is what we did. I wouldn't spend money on reparing anything on that Samsung. From what I've read it's still an issue after repairs. My brother was lucky enough for his to continue to crap out under warranty and they eventually just bought it back after numerous tries to fix. Mine crapped out after the warranty, and I'm not spending a dime on that POS.
  3. Maybe I am misremembering but the last I saw of the ratings was Norm killing it even though the consensus here (myself included) is that he's unlistenable. There is obviously a disconnect somewhere between the actual ratings and avid ticket fans. Maybe we are just the vocal minority, but otherwise I can't disagree with anything you've said. Norm hasn't been listenable to me in over a decade.
  4. Norm rakes in the ad dollars. I don't get it either, but Norm is the ratings driver on the show not Mike.
  5. It's always been a dumb argument. It's as if people don't realize that the fair runs for weeks and lets thousands upon thousands of people out every night.
  6. Pretty much all the Netflix action stuff is decent enough for a drunk Saturday night, but there is always something off about them. They never can put it together for the total package.
  7. I for sure thought Gordo was going to comment something about bugchasing Jub to get Covid.
  8. I'd have to go with Pizza Hut and McDs for the kids. Those are the only 2 places listed that get a material amount of my money.
  9. Traveling to Arkansas or Minnesota for a neice/nephew graduation is the most insane thing I've read today. I'd probably draw a line at an hour of travel for graduation. Who was expecting you at these your siblings or your parents?
  10. Whataburger has sucked for years. The only thing the Chicago takeover has done is finally give you idiots a scapegoat for something you were just too afraid to admit.
  11. I don't even remember how much we went through with twins, but I know when we finally weened them off it felt like I got a raise.
  12. Negative Ghost Rider. Marvel is a machine and it's not going to be toppled. Even though their movies suck like said above the get every age group. Besides I don't think movies are fully back enough for a record breaker.
  13. If his work is slipping and he's constantly playing hooky, then yeah the answer is easy. Light his ass up.
  14. Two guys that asked siri if May 9th was a Friday the 13th didn't graduate?
  15. This. All you do is give it a shake and say "that aint going nowhere."
  16. Maybe if he lands in a Marvel movie or puts out a movie next week otherwise nobody is going to blindly see a Johnny Depp movie a year from now because of this trial.
  17. Yeah I could see them all making livings inside the radio business. All the tier 1 guys bring something to the table there whether sports knowledge or just overall entertaining. I was mainly referring to getting another job outside the business. They've all been doing the same thing forever and that I can't see them getting an office job or something given how dumb they likely are. We know most of them don't have any book smarts given how they've discussed barely eking through schools.
  18. Damn. That's crazy low but I would guess a lot of producers don't really have speaking roles at their stations? If that's what Danny was making, I can't really blame him especially with a baby now. Hopefully he finds greener pastures.
  19. Agree. If you live in a mild climate, don't do anything but sit at a desk/couch all day, and aren't overweight then you probably can get by not everyday bathing. I've never heard about it stripping odor fighting oils. It absolutely does dry the ever living shit out of your skin/hair though. People used to not shower/bathe daily because it wasn't easily accessible on a daily basis not because they were afraid of stripping odor fighting oils. There is no doubt that 100 years ago that everyone stank despite having all these odor fighting oils on their body.
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