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Everything posted by Horns99

  1. Troph, above is all you really need to & since your boat is sitting right above the water, that keeps it warmer also, has to get really freaking cold to do any freeze damage.
  2. Anyone know what this one is ? The picture makes it look bigger than it was. In the picture it’s in a dust pan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. JFC people I didn’t say there were 10ft swells out there, nor did I say it was a pissed off ocean, just said it was rough. I have been in the Caribbean when it was rough, sail from Anegada back to Yost, and our tow rope to the dingy snapped, that was fun getting it back with one of our guys hurling over the side.
  4. Natty decided to follow in oil’s foot steps today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. As I told y’all earlier, you don’t know what you are doing it out there, it ends with a sunk boat. How about you get all the people out of the bow and speed up to get the bow up, dumb asses. That boat was going the same direction as the parade. I know ocean racer doesn’t believe us, but there were big waves out there from 60ft boats plowing. Rougher than I’ve seen it in the Gulf numerous times and in the Caribbean. Here’s the after pix of that boat, taken by me.
  6. The parade started @ 11:30, so I doubt tons of people were shit faced. The 2 boats I saw sink were going the same direction as the parade.
  7. There was no fucking set speed. You could go whatever speed you wanted to. Boats of all sizes were going all different speeds.
  8. Check the boating thread. Basically small boats & not knowing what you are doing in large waves, ends badly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. No weather, just a bunch of boats all taking off at the same time. I don’t think he was anchored. I think he just took a couple big waves over the bow ( possibly the stern) & that was the end of it. The waves were some of the biggest I’ve seen out there. 4 damn boats sunk, big waves, not knowing how to keep your bow up & not knowing what you are doing, ends bad. Don’t think it was plug left out for all of them. We had friends who came out of Lakeway, took one wave over the bow & turned back around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Been waiting for someone to post on the Trump parade on Lake Travis today - Supposedly 4 boats sunk. I know of 2 . There were craploads of boats out there & the waves were like the ocean. If you had a small boat & didn’t know what you were doing, it can happen real fast, one or 2 big waves over the bow & you are done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Since we are talking kids, got my daughter finally up & skiing earlier this summer. Her twin brother learned last yr, when he was 5. Kneeboarding is still their favorite right now though. Got him working on his 360’s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. They are keeping the info pretty tight. Sabine Pass will be back up pretty quick. Cameron is a completely different story, Lake Charles is a complete mess. Sounds like power is going to be out for awhile from what we are hearing down there. What does Colonial Pipeline have to do with either location ?
  13. From a few months ago & from above threads, take 3% on a 30 year jumbo all day long
  14. Check Lakeway Marina (like I told you before..) & VIP Marina, Briarcliff Marina - all have boat rentals
  15. Assume you know by now, but it wasn’t the districts fault, it was down across the entire country. Actually, it went pretty smoothly for us, besides Zoom being down for a few minutes. We got a note quickly from the principal with a new link & it worked with no issues.
  16. anyone have any updates to this thread? Anyone switched lately? Looks like Federal is the cheapest I've found so far
  17. Post this in Hobbies - there is a fishing thread in there Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Actually that's the Paragon, regular G25 starts around 200K. M & the Paragon are top of the line. Sail & Ski has sold a crap load of the Paragon's, they are all over Lake Travis
  19. Probably right around 27”. Looks to be a fairly young axis, he doesn’t have the gray in face yet & isn’t filled out.
  20. Most all the marinas rent boats out here. What part of the lake do you want to out on? JFF, Volente are more down by the damn, Lakeway rents everything (I think closer to you), & Briarcliff also rents, so take your pick. Yeah, pontoon is probably fine, as long as you don’t want to pull those tubes fast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Yeah, twin engine jet boats don’t make freaking good wake or surf boats, don’t care how much ballast they have.
  22. Anybody have any new updates / favorites ? Need to buy a couple new ones Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. You can just go to power to choose.com & choose 100% renewable. & yes, most all the big guys have renewable options. You do know that the actual electricity your getting to your location, probably isn’t all renewable no matter what. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Didn’t even go out, we just sat on the dock & had some cocktails Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Yeah, my 6 yr old twins wouldn’t go without snack. Troph, didn’t see you go by this evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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