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Sam Lin

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  1. My cost basis is 7.59, so yeah
  2. https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/valley/woman-dies-after-being-hit-by-her-own-vehicle-in-parking-lot/75-62005f41-4913-4b62-a3f6-f4b57c67df92
  3. I feel like tamales actually get better after a few days, sort of like chili. The flavors get to develop and mix more.
  4. Why is this an issue at all? Do you not wash your stuff? (I laughed hard when I saw the scoop photo btw)
  5. Lavatools Javelin for instant read on a budget. Thermowerks Thermapen for instant read off a budget. Thermowerks Dot for leave in wired on a budget. Thermowerks RFX for leave in wireless off a budget.
  6. Pull forward parking strikes again.
  7. No, leave your family at home and just bring your dog.
  8. Yup, do not own and will never own a mandolina.
  9. Oh hello fellow Nomos owner!
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