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Sam Lin

Certifiably Surly
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3694 Surly 10%

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  1. Taiwan actually did a PSA campaign many years ago about the priority seats, had hilarious video ads. One was a lady with slightly overweight belly walking up to a younger guy sitting in priority seat, the guy sees her and says "Wow 3 months congratulations!!!" and stands up to let her sit and she beats the shit out of him with her purse.
  2. Went through Narita last month and Kyotatsu is still there and still great!
  3. Eating in Taiwan is dirt cheap. Even the fancy food is half the price of other major cities. And it's fuggin good food.
  4. Yup, any minivan.
  5. Ningxia and Raohe night markets for more food. Do it.
  6. Translation is fine. Read it.
  7. Hell yes. Look at Space Grey on 07-13 BMWs, easily best color they come in. Shows the body lines so beautifully in any light.
  8. This sounds really good, actually.
  9. It's actually my strategy as well, minimize capital gains to minimize capital gains taxes.
  10. Average the average of the average down!
  11. Wait you look at earnings results for your stonks???
  12. Hey listen it was transitory ok?
  13. It's like craps, every time you lose, double down. Works great if you have unlimited money. And don't buy Enron. Who's gonna tell him?
  14. Like a boss.
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