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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. How is that negative news? Severance money goes into the economy and circulates! People get money and a new job, it's a win win!
  2. I, on the other hand, still have my 1998 Land Cruiser.
  3. The two of you should stop doing this, it is idiotic and dangerous.
  4. Not even a humblebrag, just a brag.
  5. Got it. Putting a limit sell on my UUUU at $300.
  6. Sounds like they made up for it.
  7. Diminished value the easiest way to fight is hire an independent appraiser who will send a market analysis. Example, Collision Damage Consultants, rates are on their site. Almost always gets you more than their fee. No affiliation and no firsthand experience, just seen their testimonials a lot.
  8. Wait. You tried to carry a fully loaded medical bag on? And you expected TSA to blindly let it through?? This is completely on you. Pre 911 I carried tool sets and calipers/measurement equipment on every time. Post 911 I check all that shit in, after getting questioned about calipers one too many times.
  9. What are your thoughts about contractors and their trailers being near a driveway?
  10. British food is fucking awful. You could do a pretty solid YT channel of various people reacting to British food, but all the reactions would be the same disgust.
  11. We've gotten months of free XM/Sirius on our last few cars and never actually listened to it. I tried it back when it was fairly new and it dropped out so often due to dense city skyscrapers and tunnels that it never was really a viable option.
  12. For the idoot, what is grated prepared horseradish? A purchased canned product, or are you guys starting with root and grating and vinegaring it?
  13. I sold all my AMY today on those massive gains. Only lost somewhere around 60% on them? In the land of stonks, I call that a...capital loss to help reduce my taxes. Long term play.
  14. On older cars they're the easiest way to total a car, as replacing them costs so much of the car's remaining value.
  15. Haven't found dino ribs in quite a while, then saw galbi sliced ones at Sam's Club, asked butcher if they sliced on-site, and YES! So asked him to grab me a whole cryopack before slicing. Stoked to have a local source. $9 a pound. That pack came out just under 100 - a steal compared to ordering beef rib at a restaurant. From this: To this: Yes it was as good as it looks. Holy hell I'm still thinking about them days later. Few process pics in spoiler:
  16. Really appreciate the depth of knowledge you bring with your posts, satyanash.
  17. Narrator: Lack of sex also continued uninterrupted.
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