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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. It's best to have a friend with a Jeep for you to borrow.
  2. Just saw this. Pretty generic MI. Was entertained. Was too long. Wouldn't watch it again. Just wasn't convincing about the motivations of any of the plot or characters. Travo, the plot stands pretty much independently, no need to watch others.
  3. You don't reject the upgrade and try to get her upgraded, you just swap boarding passes as you walk down the jetway! (But I've also turned down upgrades to sit together with family many times.)
  4. Do not try to defend against old Korean grandmas deplaning and rushing the line. You will get wrecked.
  5. Is that a joke? Are we really saying every job should pay enough to save for retirement?
  6. Wtf, now we're tipping because of <dignity>??
  7. Strange, last race I went to the cheer seemed to be "fuck you Lewis!" every time he came around. From a group of very drunk Aussies seated a few rows down.
  8. Fruit flies. Get one of the little traps, they'll all drown in it.
  9. Esquire 10yrs ago was pretty decent. It isn't that great now. If you could find someone selling back issues from 15-10yrs ago, that'd be a good start. Dappered the blog is also a good place to start.
  10. Sam Lin


    Second this. And go follow him on Twitter as well.
  11. They're gonna sell a shitton of those.
  12. Joke's on her, now she has to own a Jeep.
  13. That 262 kHz dial text is big and garish.
  14. Oh yeah? What color rouge?
  15. Helobius reads it on TikTok comments.
  16. Maybe he's the one using it as a verb and confusing the fuck out of everyone else.
  17. Thx bro. But you also touch yourself and yours embedded?? No, thanks for the embed. But really, you also touch yourself.
  18. Parking in a handicap spot? https://twitter.com/nelkboys/status/1681003977901768705?
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