I watch a lot of gameplay and speedrun videos now, as a way to learn more in-depth aspects of a game and also appreciate what a truly skilled player can do. A lot of times I much prefer to watch an expert play than to play myself any more. It's like watching a performing art.
Particular shoutout to GDQ, Games Done Quick. They run physical events, livestreamed, a couple times year, where they get the top speedrunners for a pile of games to do speedruns in front of a live audience with livestream. The runs are commentated by other top streamers, so in one stream you quite likely have all the top experts in the world for a game, and between the gameplay and the commentary you learn SO much about a game. They add special goals to each run if certain donation targets are met (for example, they've had the player do a section blindfolded), and all donations go to charity. Sometimes the audience becomes a part of the stream, everyone sings one of the songs together, or a couple cosplayers impromptu act out a scene of the game while the player is going through it. It's just a wonderful gaming event with a wonderful community and shared single purpose. If you are searching, they do SGDQ for Summer Games Done Quick, and AGDQ for Awesome Games Done Quick.
For Faster Than Light (FTL), Twitch streamers Holoshideim and Rand118 are the top in the world. Holoshideim holds the record for longest string of wins on Hard mode, no Pausing. This game is insanely hard. New players take many tries just to beat Hard once, and that's with pausing to think about the next action and plan for enemy reactions. Holoshideim won 100+ games straight with no pausing.
For Fallout, Many a True Nerd. Just a guy who absolutely loves the games, and it shows. He explains, he demonstrates, he has hilarious screwups, it's just contagious fun watching him play. He notably did "you only live once," playing through the entire game using only one life bar. He also has done "kill everything" runs that are great fun to watch. He also streams other games, his Subnautica stream was a hilarious pile of mishaps.
ARS Technica has a lovely series of journalism-style articles and interviews talking about popular games and digging in to what makes them so good. For example:
They've also done a series called War Stories where they go back and talk to developers of successful games and share some of the stuff that happened in development. Example:
Isn't that redundant?
Watch Many a True Nerd on YT if you want to learn more about Fallout than you ever wanted. He explains game dynamics, he shows little bits of story that are super niche situations, it's just a way for even a die-hard Fallout fan to discover even more about the game. And even now he still learns new things, and he's been a Fallout "specialist" for 10+ years.