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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. Note that Google Fi on their domestic "strictly unlimited" plan is also a fairly cheap $20ea (+fees) if you have 4 people.
  2. I've slept through a couple 4.x and 5.x in Taiwan, usually wake up, see the lamp and paintings moving, doze back off. My thought is if it's bad enough to drop something and kill me, it's too late for me to seek cover anyways. This one was really big, even for Taiwan. That mass damper in Taipei101 is huge, and it is super cool to see it moving even on a windy day. Would have been terrified, but wish I could have been there to see it in person during this earthquake.
  3. Big cook on Big Joe this weekend, using the grill as 4 cooking zones: Deflectors up on the lower grate position, not down on the deflector ring. This gets them away from the fire and makes it easier to run higher temps, and also puts them closer to the food so you get more radiant heat off the deflector. Main grate, outside ring is the hottest area, direct convection heat coming around the deflectors. Easily runs 100F hotter than center grate, if not more. Sweet potato and garlic. Main grate center section, pork steaks, get more radiant heat off the deflectors while keeping drippings from falling down into fire. Ran this area around 275F. Being close to deflector, the bottom sees direct radiant heat from the deflectors so does cook quicker. It's similar to lower temp direct grilling here, just with no flames to flare up underneath. Expander rack outside ring is hotter as the heat comes around the deflector and wraps up the dome, but is cooler than main grate as it is further up and the food around the lower layer blocks some heat. No radiant heat from deflector, this is all convection hot air, probably lower 300s in temp. Chicken leg quarters. Expander rack center section is coolest, far away from the fire and the food on the lower layer blocks radiant heat. This is pure convection like an oven, and similar temp to the layer under it, 275, but with much less heat from below. Roasted carrots.
  4. Big (just over 2 lbs) bone in ribeye, dry aged Thai wagyu, didn't suck. Smoked to 105 and reverse sear. Dry brine and pepper. (same process as the funky porterhouse above)
  5. Might want to have your suppressor adapter and mount checked carefully. Generally they improve accuracy.
  6. Nothing to do with partying in my circle of friends, it's a simple survival move to be able to operate on all the urgent cases and still function. There's been stories of them keeping chicken fingers in a scrub pocket to be able to grab a few bites as they run between cases. They regularly pull 16+ hour days. As mentioned, hydrating in the middle of an emergency surgery is not on anyone's mind. And yes it is in AC, but it is also nonstop full concentration, which is heavy exertion.
  7. Sorry, any butchery of terminology is my own ignorance of hospital terms.
  8. All of this, and it isn't only at home. I have many friends who are or have been ER docs. It is not uncommon for ER staff to give themselves an IV to rehydrate between ops. IV rehydration is direct and takes minutes. Drinking liquid takes up to an hour to actually have effect; not useful when you are running from multiple hours of surgery into the next multiple hours of surgery. And the last thing any ER doc is doing mid-surgery is stopping to drink water.
  9. Lulz at this Google review. Paul sucks. https://goo.gl/maps/veiomyNvbxkxRAmb6
  10. Been curious about Crockett&Jones for a while. Question for those of you who have used both AE and CJ, how long does each one last before wearing out? I like and use AE because I can recraft and get a couple lives out of each pair of shoes, so I get pretty good lifetime per dollar. Shoe cost is 200-250 (on sale), recraft at 125 twice, I get three lifetimes for $500 total. I don't think CJ has their own recrafting program, what are you guys paying for an independent cobbler to resole a CJ?
  11. Honestly don't care what it looks like. As the last gas sports car it's going to sell like crazy.
  12. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  13. https://www.tommybahama.com/en/c/men-shirts
  14. Goddammit, thanks for reminding me. Fucking hate this laptop, MSI keyboard Delete key location!!
  15. She called instead of sending a fax?
  16. You do realize Surly is basically one big comments section?
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