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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. There's some debate on whether a winder is better for a watch as it keeps the mechanicals moving and wearing. I get it for a moon phase or perpetual calendar where setting it is a pain in the ass. Otherwise I'm of the opinion it's less wear and tear to let the watch stop.
  2. I prefer the full sparerib with the skirt (the little flap of meat on the underside edge of the membrane) trimmed - I think that's what you are describing. I like the crunchy cartilage on the "rib tip."
  3. Are you Wally? You have to tell us if you are Wally.
  4. https://www.inverse.com/article/13965-rouge-one-is-trending-on-twitter-because-people-are-too-excited-about-rogue-one
  5. Be aware that this can change with age, as heat sinks and thermal paste degrade and lose connection for cooling. Something that was cooling great while new typically cools worse after months/years. You could do a quick test, put a desk fan on the modem and see if the stability changes at all for 2 days. If it magically stays stable, then it was overheating. Then you can decide whether to do surgery and repaste the heat sinks/heat spreaders, or just get a new modem.
  6. Hate to break it to you, but we are already dead.
  7. Feel the same pain in Asia. They drown good steak in it too!
  8. Sam Lin


    Yes, coverage and redundancy to obstruction will improve as the constellation gets built up.
  9. Is the wireless connection turned off/disabled? If the laptop has a wifi button or keyboard shortcut (often Fn+some key), it may actually disable the wifi. You should be able to tell in the network hardware settings if it shows disabled. She should also be able to Save As her work locally, and then copy it back to the network when she gets connected.
  10. I remember reading about a case in the news years ago where an employee of the alarm company partnered with a crime ring, he would notify the crime ring about any house that canceled their monitoring, and the houses would get robbed shortly after in a stunning coincidence. Happened to quite a few houses before they got caught.
  11. Is that wrong? Asking for a friend...
  12. I actually had a job where the owner did this. And we did look at each other with "wtf" faces.
  13. I'm not saying I've recommended a splash of Bailey's in their milk, but I've recommended a splash of Bailey's in milk, multiple times.
  14. Wait until he tells us how great the sausage is in Memphis.
  15. This. I hate it if there's an infant in the cabin with me (and I had one in fucking business class last year who wailed about 7 hours of an 11hr flight - flight crew came and apologized multiple times), but I also understand the political incorrectness of drugging the baby to sleep for the flight, like can be done with carryon animals. I bring earplugs.
  16. Along the lines of Saddleback, and also heavy, Mitchell Leather. (I've recommended their money clip wallets a couple times.) https://mitchell-leather.com/pages/briefcases For a more modern and synth material, I'm partial to Briggs and Riley (also my preferred luggage). I find their briefcase pocket layout/design to be more usable than Tumi.
  17. Thankfully we had plenty of time, but is it asking too much for them to have a rudimentary knowledge of a program that CBP offers? I know you're in Canada, but it is a US Customs area you are going into. Rude...rudi...rudim...ru-dime...thats a big word.
  18. This might be the most badass post on this entire site.
  19. What does he have a passion for? It doesn't have to be a conventional "extracurricular." As was mentioned a few pages back in Emory discussion, you just want something that gives your app an edge vs just being rounded.
  20. This. It was just far too complex a plot for a kid's movie (with the full understanding that Pixar movies have never been only kids movies, they've always had content for all ages, you "grasped" and felt the movie at different levels depending on your age). But this one went too hard on the hard sci-fi, to the point where I'm sure most parents don't even understand some of the concepts it uses as key plot drivers. It also felt shallow on the character development, lead Buzz was utterly one-dimensional. (I had similar criticism for Incredibles 2.) Feel disappointed in the movie after the trailer - trailer had so much potential.
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