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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. Needs the Rocky theme.
  2. It's a reasonable question. About 1/3 the time with my friends, someone is wearing a team hat for another team because they lost a bet.
  3. Singapore marketing trying to use formal English.
  4. I'm still confused how to handle multiple laptops, I've been pulled for rescreening for leaving more than one laptop in the bag, and I've also been yelled at and told to stop wasting bins when I took the laptops out.
  5. Followup question, what would you say it is that the Seattle team actually does around there?
  6. I'm not a specialist at all, but from here: https://www.irs.gov/faqs/filing-requirements-status-dependents/dependents
  7. This statement reflects such a sad state of affairs. Any new vehicle at any price should have no serious issues within two years, period.
  8. First review for LC's on Google: Second pic in photos:
  9. That's probably because your ramp isn't in Florida.
  10. Fun with peanuts continued: https://www.secretflying.com/posts/traumatised-family-claim-turkish-airlines-removed-them-from-flight-because-daughter-has-nut-allergy/ I likely have better understanding of the peanut risk than most. I've grown up knowing (and traveling repeatedly with) multiple people with severe peanut allergies, I know some of them have mild reactions instantly if a package of a product with peanuts is opened in the room with them, I've been trained on use of Epi-pen and recognizing signs of reaction. And that's why I have my opinion that I expressed in my earlier comments: The risks to a severely allergic person are not something that can be managed by not serving nuts. Pay attention to how many of your food items contain nut allergy warnings on the packaging. It is the majority of foods. The severity of some people's peanut allergies means them boarding a flight is putting responsibility for their lives into all the other passengers and crew's hands. That is forcing everyone else to shoulder a responsibility that is absolutely not part of their obligation as passengers. Here is a summary of airline nut policies: https://upgradedpoints.com/travel/flying-with-allergies/ At most, an airline will provide you a special seat cleaning. With severe allergies, there are guaranteed residues on other seats and other areas of the aircraft, not to mention on other passengers and in other foods. It is extremely unwise for someone with a severe peanut allergy to blindly travel without their own PPE. They know their risks and the ways to mitigate the risk (as I mentioned, travel a different way - I've known people who had to use medical charters so the plane was actually fully disinfected. Or, positive pressure filtered rebreather. Lighter allergy cases are ok with just a mask.) Not protecting themselves should not mean everyone else needs to protect them.
  11. If you don't follow thequalfiedcaptain on IG, you really should. Endless boating entertainment: https://www.instagram.com/thequalifiedcaptain/
  12. Thank god you don't hate the word #Stonks, then we might have a problem.
  13. Check back after a few weeks. It comes back to limited showing Imax at end of month for me.
  14. I chuckled a bit when they showed NowThis news. Thanks Surly. Movie was well produced, the plot was just a hot mess/dumpster fire that had plenty of potential but all of it left untouched, and most of the acting was mailed-in. None of the plot made sense.
  15. TL:DR PETA is full of shit I posted this somewhere on a Thailand thread on TOS, but basically this story is utter bullshit from PETA scrabbling for attention and donations. This practice is largely a cooperation between the human and monkey and this statement from PETA is about as ludicrous as...any other statement from PETA: No one with large farms is using monkeys to harvest their coconuts. Monkeys are inefficient and a pain in the ass to keep and manage in any quantity. Why the hell would you pay and keep a monkey handler + a monkey when you could just pay the handler to harvest coconuts directly? On bulk farms, harvesting one coconut at a time is utter stupidity. They cut the entire cluster and deliver it to market. Faster and easier to transport. NPR did their own investigation 7yrs ago: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/10/19/448960760/monkeys-pick-coconuts-in-thailand-are-they-abused-or-working-animals Article from 2yrs ago about someone who actually has monkeys trained to pick coconuts. They provide a community service for local villagers who don't have a way to pick their coconuts. Yes some of these coconuts get sold to companies including Chaokoh. Most don't get sold to corporations, they get used at home or sold at the local village market. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/how-are-coconuts-picked As to the statement from PETA? No one in Thailand supports letting monkeys roam free and spend time with their families. They destroy everything, get in fights, and overpopulate worse than rabbits. - these "free range with family" monkeys have it far worse than any of the trained coconut monkeys above, and periodically the military comes in and "relocates" a portion of the monkey population to reduce the overpopulation problem. There is never any detail on where the monkeys are "relocated" - you can read between the lines on that one, but I guarantee PETA would love it. This problem is not far from where I live: https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/monkey-mayhem-hungry-macaques-run-amok-in-thai-city-after-coronavirus-sees-tourism-tumble/
  16. Not sure which thread to use for general aviation hilarity, almost put this in the "news that reminds you of Surly" thread: https://www.secretflying.com/posts/girl-almost-dies-on-ba-flight-after-fellow-passenger-refused-to-stop-eating-nuts/ FWIW I've never agreed with not serving nuts on a flight because one person was allergic. They can travel a different way or bring a positive pressure filtered rebreather, it's their health problem.
  17. That's also the only way to do proper fried rice.
  18. Still pretty easy to calculate 10% in my head. Fuck this creep in tip percentages for basic service. But that is sleazy as hell to provide 18/20/25 and not 15/20/25.
  19. In the downhill racing stupid carnage dept, I present Mountain of Hell. 25km downhill in the Alps on ice/snow/rocks. Thousand riders. Hundreds of wipeouts at a time. See 2:35 for the starting pileup.
  20. For nonstick, I do have an AMT and a Scanpan, and I can fry eggs in those with no oil. Most of my pans are De Buyer, I like them for general use over cast iron simply because lighter weight. Properly seasoned, and cooked with hot pan/hot oil before adding food, you shouldn't be sticking to the food. Is it possible you're adding too much egg at once so you're bringing the pan temp down too far when you add food, or you aren't preheating the pan long enough? When your eggs stick, it is only around the edges or only in the center, or does it stick everywhere in the pan? Carbon steel, being thinner, has less stored heat than an equivalent size cast iron, and will lose more temp when you add food. (I keep a heavy cast iron skillet for stove searing just for this reason.) See 5:50 for scrambled eggs leaving his cast iron pan, completely clean release:
  21. You give them a shot of Jäger, because they deserve it.
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