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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. That's a light dough and a single loaf. KitchenAid is just fine for small tasks like that. Ankarsrum is if you want to make 4 loaves at once or you have high gluten or very dry doughs (long knead sourdough, bagels, etc). You can make triple batches of most doughs with no issue. Bonus: the machine runs quiet doing it.
  2. Counterpoint: Ankarsrum. If your primary use is lots of dough or heavy dough, don't waste time trying to keep Kitchenaids alive. Now if you are doing lighter stuff like cookies, or needing to cream or whip frosting/meringue, then the Kitchenaid excels.
  3. He'll have a five-year-old after November.
  4. If you install the microwave upside-down, the door lifts up out of the way. #themoreyouknow
  5. The one that makes zero sense is the idiots parking up front to go to...the gym!
  6. No way is Sedona overrated for AZ. One of the most beautiful areas in the country if not the world. They only listed Sedona because the liberal weenies in Tucson would get pissed and protest again if they listed Tucson. (There was an amusing amount of protest at this shirt, which is actually accurately showing how most of AZ feels about Tucson.)
  7. PSA: you aren't denying anyone your essence when you hotbox the elevator.
  8. I'm better off than you, there are a shitton of fugly watches that I definitely do not want.
  9. Correct. Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese are two very different dialects. Mandarin has 4 tones, Taiwanese 8 (or 5 depending on school of thought). The two are not similar enough to communicate verbally. Mandarin is by far the standard and is the "universal" dialect for all Chinese to speak to each other. In the current generations, unless you grow up with old relatives who speak Taiwanese or are in a part of the country with many speakers, young Taiwan people are not learning Taiwanese any more. If you want to rabbit hole: https://www.quora.com/How-different-are-Mandarin-and-Taiwanese
  10. Books are fantastic, you're in for a treat.
  11. You're supposed to cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn bucket.
  12. Somewhere in your phone network options you should be able to select 4G only, so it doesn't search for 5G at all. Bonus, it'll also help battery life.
  13. I think they had to get rid of them for fear too many people would literally shit on the Raiders.
  14. Watkins Glen begs to differ. And Kimi will race it this year!
  15. Username definitely does not check out.
  16. Strategically inserted into conference calls!
  17. Random anecdote within last 2 weeks, friend listed his house in Jersey, got over 100 showings and over 20 offers. Open house had people waiting outside lined up down the street.
  18. Take some better pictures so we can see each piece of equipment. Might need to sketch out a diagram of wiring connections as well. But consider yourself lucky that your previous owner apparently took this seriously. As much as wifi keeps improving, a hardwired house makes everything easier (including setting up better wifi).
  19. Mazda is shipping some cars without Bose audio, only base audio, because of shortages on the higher-end audio system. I've only been wishing I could opt out of Bose on every goddamn car for the past 20yrs, so I'm sort of enjoying this.
  20. It's refurb, but this is a nice deal for anyone currently looking. https://slickdeals.net/f/15796627-3-pack-linksys-velop-ac6600-tri-band-mesh-wi-fi-5-system-refurbished-100-6-sd-cashback-free-shipping?v=1&src=frontpage
  21. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Twice.
  22. This was orderable off-menu for many years after the Chilito was removed from menus, but I think they finally got rid of the chili product.
  23. For leave-in best value, I like Inkbird. Various numbers of probes, and wifi or bluetooth.
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