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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. If you want to have no sex and possibly no bed for a few weeks/months, record the washer/dryer buzzer on your phone and walk up and play it back to her every few minutes.
  2. Yoder is another brand to consider.
  3. I have also criticized technique before... am I your dad?
  4. I also do this, whenever chargers or cables go on super sale, I load up and just give them a bunch of extras.
  5. At risk of this thread getting hijacked into another "tipping" thread: I've also gone back and left more tip after relatives. BUT: This is how I feel as well. I start at 10%. The quality of service moves the amount up or down from there. I have zero problem tipping excellent service 20 or 30 or occasional 50% if it is truly stellar. I also have zero qualms about dropping it to 5% if the service was bad, and in extreme cases I have left no tip (but if no tip, I always stop the server and manager and specifically explain why.) Do I think they care or appreciate the feedback? No, I think they hate me and think I'm a cheap fuck, but I am giving them the feedback they need to improve. (And yes I do distinguish if the bad experience was due to kitchen fuckup or some other factor outside of the server's own control. I don't ding the server if that's the case.)
  6. Can you just shoot and butcher them under Castle Doctrine?
  7. Is it illegal to cut grass?????
  8. Just keep buying down. Your avatar fits.
  9. Sounds like TSA has the experience we need! I would love to see TSA in charge of this.
  10. I think NFLX now goes in the "Steel Shanked" thread.
  11. We should change BrisketTexan's Surly handle to BrisketQuiche.
  12. I don't look at the numbers at all.
  13. I tell everyone it stands for Super Sexy Secret Squirrel.
  14. FYI: You can sell out of state if you ship to an FFL holder in another state, and they transfer it to the end buyer in their same state.
  15. @Moby Ric Some pics of big cooks on kamado. These are on Kamado Joe Big Joe 1. The round expander rack is from CeramicGrillStore, the flat sided expander rack is the Kamado Joe expander. You likely get more usable space on a pellet or horizontal due to grate shape. The round kamado shape results in some awkward wasted corners, and the way the deflectors move air, the outer edge always sees more heat and airflow, so if you have a sensitive cook the outer 3" on each side isn't ideal, which really shrinks your cooking diameter. (That said, I often intentionally use that outer ring as a hotter cooking zone while something is cooking low and slow in center.) As mentioned, if you want unattended cooking with ability to adjust from your phone anywhere, Fireboard or Flameboss temp controllers. A full load of coals will run 12hr+. 4 racks of ribs. I've done 6 with careful rib racking, it gets tight. Potato wedges holding them apart so smoke gets to all faces. 25lb of dino ribs and a 13lb brisket: A whole lot of wings.
  16. You'll likely get more meat on the pellets. I'll post pics of some big Kamado cooks in the kamado thread for you to compare - don't want to take this thread off topic.
  17. If you plan to keep the car to 6digit mileage, you absolutely want synthetic. With modern prices, there is no reason to NOT run synthetic on any car, it makes a very clear difference in engine wear, well demonstrated via oil analysis and teardown analysis. This. Running synthetic allows extended change intervals. It is senseless to run synthetic and keep using "dino" oil change intervals. Generally the cost works out in favor of synthetic if you count the extended change intervals. Modern synthetics and modern engines can frequently go 10k miles comfortably.
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