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Sam Lin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. For leave-in best value, I like Inkbird. Various numbers of probes, and wifi or bluetooth.
  2. Honestly, I'm still pretty ok with that.
  3. That last video, the filming car looks like it just goes on driving, instead of stopping to share the video with the guy that got hit. Don't be an asshole. If you catch an accident on dashcam, stop and share the video! Have had 2 friends avoid getting screwed by police/insurance due to people sharing dashcam vid with them that agreed with their testimony in a he-said she said situation.
  4. This would be a fantastic show.
  5. Sam Lin


    Since all the previous Starliner talk was in this thread, keeping it here. Boeing Starliner reflight of their failed test flight has launched and in orbit, en route to docking ISS. https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/05/todays-the-day-when-boeings-starliner-takes-to-the-skies-probably/ One hiccup they've gotten past, from this article at WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/boeing-tries-again-to-fly-its-starliner-spacecraft-to-space-station-11652982215
  6. Definitely not enough to get me to order Applebee's.
  7. Still prefer it to the BMW nostrils.
  8. Nearly all will allow you to defer.
  9. Just watch what Wally does. And do the opposite.
  10. #nottrivial. That font is fucking horrid.
  11. I'm very thankful that there is one in Phoenix, and I gladly go there for BBQ.
  12. Are you implying that AWD would have performed differently in this situation?
  13. When you want to class it up: https://www.amazon.com/Xesea-1-4-inch-Stainless-Backpacking-Spaghetti/dp/B0725MYY4N?th=1
  14. I hate the column shifter on the Mercedes. It isn't intuitive at all how to find N, and if you short stroke it, you wind up not getting D or R. (that's what she said)
  15. I see all the Victorinox knife recs and I agree they are an excellent value (I keep a few at various houses for guest use), but I really hate their feel and balance. The balance point feels too forward (handle too light) for me.
  16. He'll be fine, issues like that catch seasoned travelers all the time, much less a first timer. Don't sweat it, he's already learned more from it than anything you can add.
  17. How many is a Brazilian?
  18. Also, you might be able sell your dashcam video to some internet channel to make a bit of beer money.
  19. Tangent, one of the best South Park episodes as well: https://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/hk2x6r/south-park-make-love-not-warcraft-season-10-ep-8 And Toyota used it in an ad:
  20. Are they wrong? Asking for a friend...
  21. "really explore the studio space"
  22. Golf courses are great places to fish, and super convenient with restrooms and carts who come by with cold drinks.
  23. Ratatouille, for nailing what it's all about.
  24. After having had a pool in 2 previous houses, I will not consider a house with a pool any more. It's great if you use it frequently. It's just a money and time pain in the ass if not.
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