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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. Not recommending one way or another, just pointing out an Egg or Kamado Joe with a temp controller like Fireboard or Flameboss is also set and forget from phone.
  2. Not defending at all, but here in Asia, parking ticket/receipt/entry cards are never left in the car. It is a precaution against someone stealing your car. If someone breaks into your car in the parking lot and drives it off, when they try to exit the parking facility with no ticket, the facility generally will at least check ownership of the car or make you demonstrate some form of connection to it. It's one more hurdle to someone stealing your car.
  3. They should get Sting to come back and play Feyd again. Now that would be awesome.
  4. I'm with you on most of your post, and I agree with the overall message. But, think you greatly understate their manufacturing and engineering ability. They are quite likely also the best run watch mfg from a manufacturing standpoint. Their degree of "in-house" and vertical integration is nearly unmatched (GS is the only other that comes to mind, at much lower volumes). Their engineering innovation doesn't get much attention, but their watches are engineered as much as any other brand (or more). What's particularly stunning about Rolex is their ability to mass produce a very high end product (in terms of engineering, in terms of quality, in terms of fit/finish*) at a scale no one else can dream of. While it's easy to say they are limiting production and driving up their values (and yes they are, and so are a ton of other watchmakers), they are shipping more product than anyone at the high end. Start about 2/3 down for a look at modern Rolex mfg. They test and hold their product to a tighter standard than most mass-produced watches (and likely tighter than most independents): https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/inside-rolex *Counterpoint: Walt Odets' infamous Rolex Explorer analysis: https://www.timezone.com/2002/09/16/the-rolex-explorer-ref-14270-part-1/ https://www.timezone.com/2002/09/16/the-rolex-explorer-ref-14270-part-2/ Is it the boring, safe choice? Yes. Is the majority of the customer base a turnoff? Yes. But is it any less a watch or mechanical device because of that? My opinion is no. Not a Rolex owner, unlikely to ever be, for many of your same reasons. But I have huge respect for their mfg. (I work in automotive; it's much like Toyota for me. People mock Toyota for lack of innovation, for boring cars, for ancient infotainment, but they've dominated quality statistics and resale for nearly 20yrs, while at the same time maintaining profit margins above industry averages. Doing what Rolex/Toyota do, for as long as they've done it, is an amazing engineering/mfg feat, not achievable only through marketing or limiting production to drive demand.)
  5. Super lucky in that respect for Thailand. Seiko is quite easy to find at each tier here. Agree the US coverage is particularly bad. I wouldn't put too much on the "not respond to email" - I've found that most countries are not email-oriented yet. Calling or visiting is still the preferred method of communication (or social media - Thailand and Korea you'll always get your quickest, best answer finding the shop on social media and sending a message).
  6. This is definitely the right place for that post. Negged.
  7. Really gives me a Audemars Millenary vibe.
  8. GR Corolla announced. It checks all the right boxes. https://pressroom.toyota.com/heat-for-the-streets-toyota-debuts-first-ever-gr-corolla/
  9. Can you check and calibrate that thermometer probe in boiling water?
  10. Track layout looks horrid, but they don't have much choice. Locals will absolutely hate what this does to traffic for a week or two; Singapore's locals rarely had much positive to say about the F1 race there when I spoke to them after year 1.
  11. This came across FB, immediately made me think back on this thread.
  12. That guy took a neck pillow to the lav and passed out?
  13. Great thread, thank you for sharing.
  14. This was the Moonswatch line in Malaysia. This was Bangkok at what was reportedly the least crowded location:
  15. Oh they did, just past where they felt the threads start to yield. You just lost the war.
  16. Bangkok was a shitshow this morning. No clear numbers, but staff was clearly totally unprepared for the demand, lot of people stayed overnight, person fainted in line ahead of me, and then 30min before opening they canceled sales at all 3 boutiques and said they'd announce the new plan on social media. Half the crowd obviously didn't leave and rushed the store anyway, and arguments and staff announcements went on for hours after. Incredibly poorly handled.
  17. You shove the stick/corn cob up your ass a few times, reams out the hole and scrapes the walls clean. Dip it in water first to soften it if it's your first time.
  18. It isn't set and forget, but you might also look at a PK grill. It closes up and has fine control so you can smoke, grills and sears like Weber, while being indestructible for leaving out in the elements or tossing in the back of a truck. You could put a temp controller on it and have 'set and forget' cooking.
  19. Bangkok Motor Show started yesterday.
  20. Omega and Swatch team up to make the MoonSwatch, releasing at selected Swatch stores this Sat (Mar26). Bioceramic case (plastic with ceramic powder, probably), 11 different editions incl. one per planet, price est $260, rumor is limit two per buyer. I think they nailed it and this thing'll sell like crazy. https://www.swatch.com/en-us/bioceramic-moonswatch.html Family photo screenshot:
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