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nunna yo bizness

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Everything posted by nunna yo bizness

  1. Are there any updates on Brini? I thought I read a few pages back that he was coming for an OV this weekend. Just wondering if he's here, or maybe I misunderstood and it's next weekend.
  2. "We're in the hood Charlie!"
  3. Don't the recruiting services factor qualification risk into their rankings? Wonder if he'll get a significant bump from them since he's in now?
  4. Makes sense they would have to bring in girls from Mississippi to sleep with their recruits. All the arky girls are in committed relationships with their brothers or daddys.
  5. Did I miss the pics somewhere? I need to judge this for myself.
  6. "I'm not going to be the Alabama coach." -Nick Saban, 12/21/2006
  7. So Sark is going to take the team to Six Flags. Sounds like a fun day.
  8. Are his hands gonna grow in the next 8 months? I didn't think so.
  9. This hits close to home as I just had a very productive tour of my facilities.
  10. In addition to being an asshole I just think he comes across as a disengenuous carpetbagger, and I suspect a lot of recruits and their families will think so too and go elsewhere.
  11. I have to wonder if the visibility and public discussion of numbers being thrown around by aggy this year may start making some people nervous. This isn't just an ncaa issue. This is felony level illegal activity including money laundering, tax evasion, and probably racketeering. Maybe others. All it takes is one zealous federal prosecuter looking to make a name for himself to blow this up and your talking about prison for people involved, not just ncaa violations. And the people potentially facing consequences would include everyone from the boosters giving the cash, to the uncles/dads/trainers, to the recruits themselves. It may not have been worthwhile to investigate with the amounts involved in the past, but now with totals being thrown around of anywhere from 3 million to 37 million and some individuals getting 500K to 1 million they've potentially drawn a lot of attention to themselves.
  12. Just my guess, but aggy bag game this year had nothing to do with SEC taking UT over their objections and was driven purely by the aggy boosters, and not Jimbo. I suspect they are also tired of 8 and 4 and basically are saying to Jimbo we're going to go all out to get you the players you should need to win a championship. It's put up or shut up time to win on the field. I don't personally think they intend to repeat this year's bag game year after year. Too much risk of getting exposed/turned in when in the future that money can be used on NIL efforts with no risk.
  13. Why? What was his issue with DKR? Were you stunned? Were you pissed?
  14. First, I'm not defendimg Harris, assuming he's done a poor job, but the blanket statement in that gif is bullshit. I've managed people for years and the one thing I know is you have to understand the individuals and what they respond to. I've worked with plenty of managers who believed your gif and thought the only way to drive productivity is to overlook a job well done, find some negative to harp on instead, and demand more with no intention of acknowledging when they get it. Some people do respond to being constantly beaten down, but a lot don't. As much as you may want to pretend it isn't the case a lot of people will work their ass off and produce even more when they see their efforts are recognized and acknowledged. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now, and again, none of that is in defense of Harris or someone who truly isn't performing.
  15. So Kelly is the Acadian Candidate?
  16. I assume he's jokingly referring to Chip Kelly.
  17. I'm not sure what here is satire and what is serious, but I will say that it's not wishcasting on my part. I'd love to see him beating the shit out of aggy on an annual basis. Just have my doubts that will happen.
  18. @closetojumping Are they talking about high attrition from the current rister to make room for the new guys, or are they meaning actually losing a number of these new recruits before their first game?
  19. Yeah I guess no one that isn't from there is really a great fit. I will say though that Saban grew up in West Virginia hillbilly country which is culturally a lot closer than anything in Kelly's background. Even Miles had spent a number of years in Stillwater as assistant and head coach as well as in Dallas. Kelly on the other hand doesn't look to have ever set foot south of the Ohio River, grew up in Massachusetts, and spent all of his career in Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Notre Dame. I may end up being completely wrong on this but it just seemed an awful fit to me when announced.
  20. Kelly just seemed like a bad fit from the get go. A very poor cultural fit in a place where culture is a huge part of their identity. I think he's going to have trouble recruiting and I think ultimately it's going to be a failure that after the fact everyone will be wondering why it wasn't obvious when they hired him.
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