Don't know if you're really a UT alum or not, but not gonna neg anyway. But just to explain, context matters with that. Other times and places that could be taken simply as a knock on OU, but given Casey as our QB it comes accross as more a knock on Charles and the Thompson family.
Casey is our QB and he's a Horn through and through. I bet his dad will also be rooting for UT as much as any of us. The fact is he could have pushed Casey away from Texas during recruiting and didn't. He could have tried to convince Casey to transfer the last few years but Casey is stil here. They're part of the Longhorn family now and in that context it just comes accross more as something that would embaress Casey and the family. He deserves better given everything he's given to the program.
It may not have been intended that way, but again, in the current context it can be construed as embaressing to a part of the Longhorn family.