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nunna yo bizness

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Everything posted by nunna yo bizness

  1. Where was the info proving no credibility? In fact some posters here previously tracked down that he is connected on both the agent side of things and with BMDs. He's got as much credibility as FCB (Texas to PAC12!, Saban to Texas!) and the other 9.95ers that are regularly posited here with their useless and inaccurate tripe.
  2. Read the title of the thread. If you don't like that we post UM related info from whatever sources are out there feel free to check out one of the other coach related threads.
  3. Yeah, here's his response to someone saying BK wouldn't be a bad hire.
  4. Yes. He's saying it's not Brian Kelly here. Then under it in response to someone askimg if he still means UM he has the winking gif.
  5. Pete Carroll was a massive failure his first go round in the NFL. It was only with the experience of having failed once and getting a second chance that he succeeded.
  6. I don't pretend to know shit, but if I'm the Jags and know that I'm getting TL for QB, and I'm also looking at college coaches, it seems to me I'd look more to a guy who has a track record of coaching up QBs that have gone to the NFL and a guy with strong Xs and Os talent for building an offense around TL. As much as I love UM and want him here, that description matches Riley more. I could easily see UM getting passed over by the Jags for Riley.
  7. Thanks. Had legitimately wondered.
  8. Or what? @Horn Dog's brisket looks like it turned out pretty damned good fat up.
  9. I lost access to the football forum listing for a while when I accidentally tried one of the new views (expanded view I think) and my browser choked on it. It took some convoluted process I don't fully recall with going to a different browser on a different device and maybe going to the surly homepage to where I could access the view buttons again and changed it back to the classic view. After I cleared the history and cache on the original device and browser it came back in the classic view and all was good since. The expanded view is jacked up and I won't be touching it again.
  10. She is pretty emphatic about it. Doesn't even leave a little wiggle room that he might coach NFL.
  11. This was from a couple days ago but I thought it was interesting. I've heard speculation that RGL was maybe connected through agents, BMDs, or both. This is the first I've seen him refer to himself as one of us though.
  12. Some of the 9.95ers are actually stating that the door may still be open for Meyer. I think Burton and FCB reports were posted here the last day or two saying that. Sorry, I'm too lazy to find them and repost.
  13. Would you quit feeding the troll and quoting him? Just neg him to bolivian and move on.
  14. So he's still a candidate for our job then.
  15. Actually I distinctly remember someone reporting the bullshit reason that the stress of the decision process had been too much for Urban as the reason. I'm not gonna search through this god awful thread to look for it but someone else may remember that verbiage to corroborate. We were to believe that a 3 time national champion coach can't handle the stress of deciding whether to let us throw $80 million dollars worth of checks at him? Deciding he just didn't want to coach? OK. Deciding he wouldn't be able to handle the stress of the Texas job? I guess. Deciding his health wasn't up for it? OK, but seems kinda late to figure that out. But can't handle the stress of making the decision? Weird reason that sounds like bullshit. It just sounded like part of a story put out to quiet things down.
  16. Powers for sure had a key role in killing it. Dodds wasn't there. The AD was Patterson and he didn't have much say in killing the Saban deal. Enough though about Saban. I'm fully UM or bust.
  17. And you say these guys are your friends? With friends like that who needs enemas.
  18. FYI, to anyone wondering like I was if this was actually from this week, I went to the podcasts, listened, and confirmed it was the December 18 (today) podcast. That's a much more open admission he'll probably coach again than he gave just a few days ago to Cowherd.
  19. This coming from someone who cites 9.95ers reports as news, and also misquotes their report of leaning toward not take the job as a definitive rejection. Then follows it by claiming we are in discussions with other candidates when there have been no reports of such actual discussions but rather just 9.95ers again throwing out names of who they think we might go after once the bowls ate done.
  20. It's a nice gesture but I don't think sending him a card will change his mind.
  21. I'm sure that damned spider doesn't help any either.
  22. Speaking of The Smiths earlier this is a great song and very fitting for this thread. Another great song and probably their best known, also with a title fitting to the topic.
  23. Indefinite reference. Which "that guy" should be muted or blocked? Sir Yacht or RGL? I'm guessing the former but just wanting to clarify.
  24. So can anyone give a dumbass a bumper sticker instruciton for embedding tweets using a PC web browser? If not I'll go stand in the corner and let the grownups carry on.
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