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nunna yo bizness

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Everything posted by nunna yo bizness

  1. Just thought this needed reposting after Texas shoved UGA around in the Sugar Bowl and the Big12 finished 3-1 against SEC in bowls. Got anymore dumbass sentiments about SEC superiority?
  2. At least now father and son can spend quality time together.
  3. This is the truth. My daughter thought about going there, but we didn't want her anywhere near that mess.
  4. Does anyone know if there was ever any interest on the part of Kyler in transferring to Texas when he left aggy? Did Sumlin block something like that from happening? From what I could find looking back he was only blocked from SEC transfers or future aggy opponents. At this point I question whether his interest in Texas during recruiting was real or not, but if it was then it would seem there would have been some interest on his part in transferring to Texas. Our QB situation was still a mess so there was certainly opportunity to win the job. It also seemed Strong either had no interest in or no ability to get transfers. If Sumlin didn't block it I wonder if Charlie expressed no interest in the transfer and Murray has had a grudge since.
  5. Being the petulent little bitch he is my guess is that it was intended as some kind of subtle backhanded slap at Texas. If it had any meaning at all.
  6. Do you realize that the absence of a QB in the pipeline and overall lack of talent was a function of the recruiting of Mack and his staff? You can't act like we would have had the same players and talent if the coaches were different.
  7. Reminds me of a shorter Andre The Giant.
  8. So we're not only IN their heads, we're on them too. I love being other's obsession.
  9. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I thought I remember him doing exactly this in the Texas game. Seems like he started a slide early and refs marked him short of first down. Seems like ou either ended up punting or we stopped them on 4th down. Anyone else remembering this?
  10. The misinformation and propoganda campaign aggy put out there to excuse their departure and try to simultaneously take us down was something that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud. Between lies about comference networks, the LHN, unequal revenue sharing, and more it was such a massive media blitz that to this day most fans and media alike believe we nearly broke up the league and drove out aggy. Never mind that if they weren't all to lazy to look at the facts and actual timelines they would figure out the aggys were just self serving lying sacks of shit.
  11. This times infinity. I remember the events, I was at the game, and what I saw and heard through the whole week, during the game, and after was just as you said. It was at that moment they showed themselves as a true brainwashed antisocial cult. Then a decade later they not only bail but try to fuck us over and damage our reputation if possible. Then they can't understand why we want nothing to do with them ever again.. Fuck them and fuck ever playing them.
  12. They're at ou. I think that qualifies as remedial.
  13. Because the 1AM time slot this league deserves is booked with infomercials.
  14. From the in-laws wishing I had control of the remote. FIGHT!!!!
  15. Since when did Florida become part of the Big12?
  16. Sitting at home as the wife makes me watch Hallmark movies while I'm wishing I was in a drunken stupor instead. FIGHT!!!!!!
  17. I know when I think about West Virginia great dance moves is what comes to mind. Of course it would normally be opiod induced.
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