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Everything posted by Slade

  1. If Mullet continues to try to run and not throw against our defense we'll be okay, but that's not likely.
  2. Maybe accidentally breaking my glasses on that muffed punt was for the best. I won't be able to see this shit show clearly in the second half. OSU is not that good, we should be up by at least three scores.
  3. Tom is fucking us on these decisions in crucial moments. Sam should have checked out of that bullshit ass call and ran something else or called a timeout. Still waiting for Epps to play with some kind of want to and physicality. 6'6" 240 something pounds and he gets pushed around and puts up a poor effort when covered tight. He's so soft I can't see him making a move to TE.
  4. Thank God Green came back and played the fucking ball. Jesus Christ that was painful to watch.
  5. I almost fell out of my fucking chair. What the fuck was the defense doing?
  6. Herman thinks like an OC too much at times. Our kicker is good and has the wind at his back, kick the fucking FG.
  7. Yeah, I'd love for them to do that. Okie's LBs weren't even ready when our guys were lined up one time on this drive.
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