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Everything posted by Slade

  1. The ManTrumpian Candidate
  2. It's become a hustle for some black conservatives (I don't even think these two are conservatives, they're like a parody) to co-sign right wing or alt-right/white supremacist rhetoric. That's why you have these two, Paris Dennard, Jesse Lee Peterson, Sheriff Clarke etc popping out of the woodwork.
  3. Obtuse as hell. He spelled it out and you still mischaracterized what he was saying.
  4. Has anyone EVER seen Melania relaxed and actually smiling while next to her husband like this? Anyone? I guess being next to normal human beings instead of a piece of shit does wonders on a person's emotional state.
  5. James Johnson can't stand Simmons lol. Embiid just a human wrecking ball in that scrum taking out two players.
  6. Cav run kicked off by a bullshit ass offensive foul called on Sabonis.
  7. The very fact that crack is a whole nother world of bad but other drugs don't create the same level of "oh that's bad" for you is a prime example of how racial perceptions creep and guide many actions in our society. In this particular case it's criminal justice. In other's it's schooling, housing, employment you name it. Crack epidemic ravages black communities, lock 'em up. Opiate and heroin epidemic hits white communities hard, they need treatment.
  8. Turner looks like he has no idea what he's doing defensively.
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