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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. Sims in the 8th and back in form now that he calmed down. The good triple K. #HailState
  2. Just another 40k attendance record.... #HailState
  3. Sims just wanted to make it a save opportunity *** #HailState
  4. Yeaaa that was a rip. And now they can't take the camera off him #HailState
  5. Likely will be C Macleod. Same guy from game #1of the year. #HailState
  6. We are beyond overdue to have a home and home series... #HailState
  7. And 18.... And 13.. And 07... And.. A few more. The context made sense with the reply. But not after being quoted. #HailState
  8. Yep.. 85. Sorry bud. (since we played you) We played for the first time since then in March. I'm 2-0 VS ya'll in person. Trying to get some fans to fly me up for my birthday... I wish. #HailState
  9. Lol edited. Damnit #HailState
  10. Well here we go. No more dicking around. Landon Sims is in. Let's go 4. #HailState
  11. It's only been 35 years since we played ya'll in Omaha. Who knows what will happen... #HailState
  12. Will do sometime. Don't play too good. Makes it hard to get a seat. #HailState
  13. Get at least two more inning from stone Simmons then go to Sims... And a leadoff double from tanner Allan!!! #HailState
  14. Mongo needs more highlights shown. And noted he hasn't gotten a hit this series. #HailState
  15. I was more interested in watching the product on the field. It's been a few years since I've been to the stadium in person. Hell Steven Smith might of still been the Baylor head coach then. #HailState
  16. I was sincerely sad covid took the meetup away this year. Look forward to hanging again this fall again in the cedars. It's tapatalk. I ain't messing with finding it. #HailState
  17. In surprised you can type after going after the car horn guy last night... #HailState
  18. I mean you already lost to us once... I agree. Abondon all faith in the rest of your season results. #HailState
  19. Should we have pacos pizza ads instead like you? #HailState
  20. Mulllleeee. Not bad for a former tight end (now wr) for Mike leech. #HailState
  21. He's an all American. Gotta do it You hang em we bang em Tanner on! #HailState
  22. I'm surprised Noone is complaining about harding tonight humping his glove. #HailState
  23. Oh boy. The "game" would be on my birthday Sunday if it happens. #HailState
  24. Couldn't of been that bad. Ya killed us. #HailState
  25. That's why you have major league foul pouls *** #HailState
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