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Everything posted by msudawg

  1. Obviously.. Sec sec? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  2. Lsu 34 Florida 24 Lsu won't cover but Grantham holds lsu to below average scoring.. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  3. FYI I was wrong.. Clint's was indeed called Cajun Crab Bombs. Skipped them. Recap.. FUCK I spent more than ever. 2 J jalapenos and cheese Fletcher corn dogs to start... It's my tradition. Love them. One of the first sold of the day as we got there by 945 Next. Clint's cream corn casserole. Ok, guys.. there is a difference between gourmet food and fair food. This was good but likely not memorable for me. The batter is nothing but like a hushpuppy with a lot of corn added. then make sure you mix up the dipping sauce. I dipped in the first time and was like.. creamed corn on corn.. meh... then mixing it up you get the cheese flavor which helped. I told my wife, I want to steal the basic recipe.. add some jalapenos to it and would make it a LOT better. Burnt ends had a crazy line so we skipped it.. were going back later.. but after you spend somewhere over 150 tickets.. you draw the damn line. Next was the stuffed taco cone.. Pretty tasty.. don't try to share it though... just messy of course. good flavor though. If you didn't know though beware.. very little meat, mostly rice and beans. and then I diverted off the fried goodness path.. the fried foods weren't filling me. So we went for a xl turkey leg instead.. and that did the job for a bit. Not to mention we did 3 of the 4 celebrity chef kitchens. The ritz carlton was awesome..lamb chop with roasted carrot sauce and pomegranate sauce with lime zest..and they didn't overcook it.. soooo good. After the turkey, we just didnt't want to do another 30 tickets for the burrito or even the mango dessert. So we grabbed our pineapple dole whip and over to craft and growler it was while the rain drove in. If the burrito is that good.. ill grab it next year.
  4. I agree... I'll admit I was dumb when asking and forgot he wasn't a sr. yet. thus..the edit. Either way. He's going to rewrite some records in the next year and half.
  5. Evidently not the same Crab bombs. Clint submitted these also this year and came in 11th place.. so just missed it. In case you were confusing them. I'm looking through the prior years trying to remember if there is anything I should be looking at.. not likely though as I'm over 130 coupons already.
  6. This is thread I was looking for... Sooner we have already discussed my plan of action on thursday.. The wife (no pics) went today with her work and had the Cream Corn Casserole balls (14 tickets) which was really good. She also had the crab cake balls ALSO by Clint Propst, funny enough she didn't care for it had too much crab for her.. everyone else loved it but it's another 30 ticket item.
  7. Well I enjoyed the Rebel yell while it was around. Now I'm back to Mad cow. Had to switch it up for dinner tonight though. My least favorite name, Democrat and then a green chile pork. Replace raw onions with grilled. add chiptole sauce.
  8. I'm a big fan of Sam's and wish him the best this weekend and the rest of the year. and next... Might be a dumb question..and very dependent on this weekend. and next.. But where does he place in Texas QB history with a WIN (because that's what I believe happens)...already?
  9. Saints knew what was coming when Cowboys on offense... Moore using same hand signals as when at Boise.... https://sports.yahoo.com/saints-got-clues-cowboys-offense-205250937.html
  10. Just enjoy the fair. Trains will be running until midnight. If the world ends and you need to drown your tears, check out Craft and Growler if you tire of wax cups.
  11. Thanks..better than I expected. And to end the night the Dole Pineapple Whip. In the past it wouldn't be out of the question to have both versions of the fletchers. But that's enough damn heart attack causing food. And then across the street to craft and growler.
  12. Damn. Well I'm going Thursday and plan to check the burnt end burrito (30), The fried taco cone (unknown), Cream corn casserole fritters (14), Flamango Tango (25) and of course my standard Jalapeno Fletchers.
  13. There is a DART BUS station across the street from him. According to the bus route. catch the 409 at 7:09 ON OAK Lawn where it meets Cedar Springs. that gets you there at 7:40am. But it's gonna dump you on the by the MLK station on the SW side of Fair Park... If you want to walk a mile over to Market Center station. you can catch the Green line at 7:32 and get off at fair park station at 8:01. UNKNOWN AS if you catch a green line south.. it's NOT going to FAIR Park station on saturday. https://www.dart.org/rideralerts/fullra.asp?id=4627 * Green Line trains operating south from Carrollton to Buckner will bypass Victory Station and continue to EBJ Union Station, then proceed non-stop to MLK, Jr. Station * Green Line stations missed by this detour - West End, Akard, St. Paul, Pearl/Arts District, Deep Ellum, Baylor and Fair Park - will be served by special "Fair Park" trains operating east from EBJ Union Station. *TRE passengers will transfer at Victory Station to shuttle buses to complete their trip to the fairgrounds. I strongly suggest you download and install the GoPass app as it will typically show the realtime delay of trains ..but i've never tried it on this area on this weekend. *EDIT* updated
  14. Go tigers. Barf. Yahhhwwwr Yahhhrr Football is being a good head coach by getting out of the way.
  15. As long as that biker gang isn't there again...
  16. Nope. just knifed.
  17. I'll be the guy walking in yelling GO to HELL UT... wearing Maroon (we play the OTHER UT) this week. Joking aside, it was good to meet some of you last year. Is that damn closet rebe'/bearshart going to make an appearance again? @Homesickhorn @RPM @immamac I assume you both will be there.
  18. Booooo this. Texas is gonna win
  19. To all who wan't to yell at me about the LSU pick... someone get me in your game on Saturday. Yall are going to win. I think it's going to be a great game and want to see this in person.
  20. Look at all those happy NERDS!!!
  21. well it's far from over but wash just can't anything going...
  22. exactly. they attached meaning and emotion to that number. what if they said. well he would have been 53 when he retired from work. or any other meaningless thing to give meaning to a number.. It's a lazy way of the jury reaching a number and shouldn't be allowed.
  23. I understand... I think LSU is the better team anyways.. but I have my other reasons.
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