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Schulz2.0 last won the day on May 27 2024

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29719 Surly 1%

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  1. Yes, the company is work for is Canadian. They make a ton of money off open pit mining tar sands, processing it to the point it can go into pipelines, and send it to the US to get processed by refineries. I'm not an engineer or have anything to do with crude blends, but it'll increase the costs for refineries to get heavier, sour crude they need. That's particularly true for Midwest refineries. They still blend heavier crude with lighter crude, depending on their refinery specs and what products they want to produce. @PTINS might have more knowledge.
  2. They started doing it the last year or so in the Denver area. People in the affected areas were pissed.
  3. I wonder if they'll end up doing stuff like they've done in Colorado during high wind events. They just cut power in high fire danger areas until the conditions clear.
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