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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Schulz2.0

  1. My company recently did a pilot using mild detergent to bind to PFAS/PFOS compounds. They then aerate it and remove the foam. It's relatively cheap and simple. The removal rate was around 99%. The "It's too expensive" excuse is kind of horseshit.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/23/russia-fsb-tries-to-link-ukraine-to-moscow-attack-despite-is-claiming-responsibility
  3. India and China. Refined products get further exported by India and China. If you take 4m bpd off the global market, it drives prices up. Oil has a relatively inelastic demand. The Russian oil wasn't selling at a huge discount. Supplies have been relatively constant, but oil would be much higher if China and Europe's economies weren't in slight recessions.
  4. It's not a hard concept. Russian oil being taken completely out of the system means the price oil of jumps to $120ish a barrel. Helping the Russian-aligned far right in Europe and the US doesn't help Ukraine's interests. The goal was to force Russia to sell oil and refined products at a steep discount.
  5. Hey man, the account clearly states she's a journalist AND a scientist.
  6. The US is tight on refining capacity, but this should help. The BP Whiting refinery in Indiana (440k bpd) is back online. https://apnews.com/article/bp-whiting-oil-refinery-power-outage-shutdown-f528311f60d0312c9f26bf4c4c822a41 The problem is oil and refined products are global commodities. Russia will use high oil and refined products prices in Europe to further weaponize the politics there.
  7. They don't have enough air defense to protect everything. Russia has consistently got some missiles through when launching the huge waves overnight.
  8. So people don't think that rising energy prices is bad for the US and European economies? That it doesn't play into the Russian propaganda being spread that the continuing of the war and Russian sanctions is only hurting every day people? Hitting Russian refineries can be a move that hurts Russian finances, but also helps the narratives set by Russia and pro-Russia politicians in Europe and the US.
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