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Everything posted by BurntOrange

  1. This. I think I will stick to 281 after work, doing the deer dodge.
  2. https://twitter.com/TxDOTDallas/status/1068230753639641089
  3. TxDot is shutting down I35E after the split to Dallas Friday night, so Go left.
  4. I am section 445. Loyalty rank is 12k out of 38K. No Bueno. I asked when tickets will go out and all I got was "Maybe Wednesday, Maybe Thursday". terrific.
  5. Also, I asked when tickets will go out. "Maybe Wednesday, Maybe Thursday..." The confidence was inspiring.
  6. Just Called Ticket Office. Section 445. Wonderful. Live and learn. I guess I will take binoculars and oxygen. BTW, I was 12K out of 38K.
  7. Wow, the WV/OU officials are garbage...dudes head gets yanked back and no flag.
  8. Dad was a tennis player for Texas ‘61-63. In fact, the University kept film on him for years to show younger players specific techniques. His roommate was David McWilliams during some of that time.
  9. From the Hilton by the stadium As we get ready to head over... FIGHT
  10. How is this hard to understand. Tough shit, dont come then.
  11. Unbelievable. Why not go victory formation?
  12. This. I have never heard it this loud after that play...you couldn’t hear Smokey go off. Amazing environment!
  13. Horns Up!
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