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Everything posted by davidg

  1. When was the last time y’all had the bearings repacked? If you haven’t done them in a while, at least have parts to repack a hub. If your axles are the kind with a grease fitting in the end, you can give them a few pumps of the grease gun. You’re supposed to Jack up the axle and spin the tire while pumping grease but that rarely happens. If you get too heavy with the grease gun you can blow out the seals and fill your hub/brakes with grease which isn’t good. I carry grease, seals and a set of bearing for one hub. I also carry a cold chisel to be able to cut off a galled bearing race if needed. Make sure y’all have a good spare and air pump to air up any low tires. A patch kit is also a good thing to have. A good bottle jack and impact gun can also make tire changes a minor inconvenience.
  2. Texted my buddy and asked about that knife and he said I’ll pull out of my pocket and send you a pic. A little Puma lockback he said he bought in 1980 . Not bad for a 45 yo daily carry.
  3. Need a 112 to firm up that collect of Buck folders A buddy carried a small folder like that 505 for a long time. Seen him clean several deer and a ton of catfish with it.
  4. The Enfield is in great condition, manufactured by Remington. Don’t know if it was refurbed at some point. We took it and all the other 30.06s over to the ranch once, along with a case of M2 ball and had a mini High Power Match using 100yd NRA targets. Fun day with many rounds fired and lots of sore shoulders. That Auto-5 is a 16ga with a poly choke and labeled as an FN, no Browning markings on it. Didn’t look for any choke marks and don’t know anything about the gun. Dad bought it at a garage sale and put it in the safe. Don’t believe he ever fired it. The Auto-5 next to it was dads bird gun. It’s a plain 16g no rib. Paid $120 at Sears for it in 1955 after he got out of the army. He was deadly with that gun on doves and quail with the 26” IC and had a 30” full choke barrel for ducks and squirrel. I have fond memories of chasing down birds and spent Federal purple hulls as a kid in a hot dove field. There were still boxes of Browning, Canuck and Federal 16ga hulls in dads attic when we cleared it out last year.
  5. So, you married to Laverne or Shirley?
  6. Here’s another pic along with the Garand, a Sporterized 1903 and a SKS. Dad had me take the 30.06s several years back and the SKS went to the ranch as a common use gun.
  7. 1917 Remington Enfield 30.06 1903 Springfield 30.06 M48 8mm Mauser (from Mitchell’s Mausers, Looks like it was never fired) K98 8mm Mauser Dad also had a CMP M1 garand that found its was I to my safe earlier and an M1 carbine that was stolen sometime after he started having care givers come to his house. I didn’t realize he had some guns on the from seat of an old truck in his garage and someone got it and a pistol.
  8. Rock Island Auction is having a 3000+ item auction this weekend in Bedford https://www.rockislandauction.com/catalog/1048 We split up Dad’s guns a few weekends ago. I got the Buffalo Bill commerstive ‘94 Winchester 30-30 for my daughter (nopics) who loves shooting lever guns, and a Belgian Browining Auto-5 Mag for my son. Also drew both SxSs that have been in the family 100+ years
  9. Tell us about your avatars. Again.
  10. Hit up the Houston Boat and Auto Show this weekend. Really like the juxtaposition of the 12’ sailboat and quad 350 powered 47’ Freeman Cat.
  11. The CostcoPM subreddit has a bunch on info on buying CostcoPM. Since they only ship, make sure to inspect/open the package while carrier is there or before you sign. I saw several reports of persons getting opened packages with their order missing.
  12. Nice euro mount. My good buddy sent me this pic a few weeks ago. They went down to their hunting lease and hung these skull mounts from the deer shot on the place the last 5 years. Not bad from a spot within 5 miles of downtown Nacodoches.
  13. Went into a bank on Halloween either right before Clinton impeachment or the year after and a teller had the Monica hairstyle and the blue dress, complete with pretty obvious DNA stain between the tits. I was surprised that she was allowed to work with that costume that day and she was still there when when I went back a few weeks later. /csb
  14. That’s an impressive amount of vehicular molle.
  15. I built a trauma kit for my truck after watching a drugged up guy in a brodozer run over the front of a small suv smashing the dash into the legs of the passenger. It was right in front of a hospital and a first responder was gloving up and climbing in the driver side as I was trying to use a old towel I had grabbed from my truck to stop an arterial bleed. She didn’t have anything with her and the towel was it until EMTs arrived. I was involved with scouts at that time and decided I needed to be better prepared for a trauma type situation. I got a small tactical pouch and added: 1x CAT tourniquet 2x Israeli compression bandage 1x Halo chest seal 2x 5x5 gauze 2x packing gauze 2x gauze wrap 2x sets nitrile gloves 1x Coban wrap 1x emt shears This separate from a basic IFAK also kept in the truck.
  16. I’m gonna hold out for one with enbloc clip complete with last round garand ping.
  17. MCMaster ProTip: if you’re sourcing parts from McMaster and can’t get enough info from their generic data sheets, hit up the support webpage and ask them for the actual manufacturer and manufacturer part number. They’ll reply with that info within a couple of hours in my experience. My predecessors at work liked to source parts from McMaster and I’m contacting them every week or so to get an actual manufacturer to get a real data sheet.
  18. Jamestown Distributors or Defender Marine for marine hardware are my gotos ETA: Fisheries Supply
  19. Just saw the fight clip. He got smashed pretty good
  20. Y’all check out Zack Reese fighting middleweight on the prelim card tonight. He’s a relative of sorts, raised and still lives in Shiner. He’s doing pretty good as a pro, with only one loss and has finished most of his fights in the first round. His original opponent pulled out and Zack is fighting a Russian guy that was dropped in at the last minute. Here was one of Zack’s last fights. Don’t blink.
  21. Here are the type of pumps you would need to fight fire using your pool. https://www.northerntool.com/categories/engine-driven-high-pressure-pumps There’s an $800 one with some hose, nozzle and a suction hose that would probably do the trick. Add in a couple more hoses to further the reach, a couple of cans of non-ethanol gas and your good to go.
  22. Killed more pigs than ducks this year.
  23. Initial 20hr fluid service done. Wish I would have been a little more prepared for the rear diff/transmission oil fill plug as I didn’t have a 14mm Allen wrench in my kit at the ranch. Harbor freight to the rescue. Need to make a funnel with a hose for filling the front diff without having to remove both the brush guard and winch.
  24. Harbor Freight can set you up for a mere $15.
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