The Enfield is in great condition, manufactured by Remington. Don’t know if it was refurbed at some point. We took it and all the other 30.06s over to the ranch once, along with a case of M2 ball and had a mini High Power Match using 100yd NRA targets. Fun day with many rounds fired and lots of sore shoulders. That Auto-5 is a 16ga with a poly choke and labeled as an FN, no Browning markings on it. Didn’t look for any choke marks and don’t know anything about the gun. Dad bought it at a garage sale and put it in the safe. Don’t believe he ever fired it. The Auto-5 next to it was dads bird gun. It’s a plain 16g no rib. Paid $120 at Sears for it in 1955 after he got out of the army. He was deadly with that gun on doves and quail with the 26” IC and had a 30” full choke barrel for ducks and squirrel. I have fond memories of chasing down birds and spent Federal purple hulls as a kid in a hot dove field. There were still boxes of Browning, Canuck and Federal 16ga hulls in dads attic when we cleared it out last year.