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Everything posted by davidg

  1. Kinda cross posting from the fishing thread but catch some catfish, Clean and cook said catfish, Eat catfish, all within a 15’ radius
  2. IMO, catfish. and the multipurpose hot link. You can eat them or use them for bait.
  3. Muzzle loading, blackpowder SA-22? Awesome! Muzzle loading, blackpowder SA-22? Awesome!
  4. My daughter (no pics) got a SA-22 for Christmas right before her 16th birthday. She is RH, left eye dominate and shoots left handed. Bottom ejection on the Browning works great for her.
  5. I’d score him 10’s every time if he did nothing but cannonballs.
  6. I have a couple of bricks of 22 short. 100% shot out of a youth 22 bolt action single shot with a red dot. Have had 20-25 kids take their first shot with that gun.
  7. Patrol Boat, Riverine begs to differ.
  8. Corporal Walter O’Reilly would like a word with you.
  9. Put your safe in a corner where the non hinge side is along a wall. Bolt it down to the slab. These two things will prevent it from being laid down on its back and opened with a pry bar. It’s hard to get enough leverage with it still standing upright. What the safe guys tested down one else’s brand. First thing they do is get it in its back to use body weight to increase leverage.
  10. Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are probably safer than regular flooded lead acid batteries. Other lithium chemistries not so much. A buddy upgraded a cart to LiFePo4s and says it’s a great upgrade. Went a bank of 6 V 230Ah lead acid to 40Ah lithiums and performance and run time is longer.
  11. Sawsall for construction demo work where you might hit nails. Battery chainsaw for small trees/limbs or 4x4 posts etc. For intermittent, light use I really like the battery chainsaw. I keep a battery in it all the time and grab it over the sawsall 90% of the time. I have a 16” gas chainsaw that I use for smaller tree cutting/limbing and a 24” gas saw for when serious cutting need to be done. Used all three and a gas pole saw last weekend clearing out a road and fenceline before working on the fence.
  12. The one in Tyler still looks like it’s open when I drive but there. Bought a Carver C-1 preamp, M500t amp and Denon DCD-1500II CD player there a few years later before my jr year of college. Still have the amp and preamp but they’ve been boxed up for years.
  13. We’re been clearing out my parents attic of 45 years worth of junk. Probably should start a separate thread of Shit I found in my parents attic but I digress. I did pull out on box labeled David’s Momentos that had all kinds paper and trinkets from my dresser and desk as a kid. Here’s a receipt I pulled out of one folder for J. Geils Band’s Freeze Frame cassette. 50/50 chance I have that cassette packed away in a closet or my attic for my kids to throw out one day. Life is a circle.
  14. Something, something, hot and juicy.
  15. Nice bird. You made a comment on the carry thread about a semi auto 44. Ruger made the bolt 77/44 and a 10/44 semiauto around the same Buddy had the semi auto and 6 rounds of 44 mag down range in a short time is pretty awesome.
  16. Growler Jams is a great ytube channel.
  17. Surly be slippin, All this safety talk and not a single
  18. davidg


    https://tpwd.texas.gov/fishboat/boat/paddlingtrails/ TPWD paddling trail website covers a lot of the info and would be a great place to start. It will cover canoe/kayak launches that will keep you from launching down the middle of a boat ramp (please don’t do this)
  19. You mean to tell me you got a manual on how to dig a hole?
  20. Make a good flathead bait.
  21. Y’all are cleaning stuff in your house? I thought you were supposed to just move and get new stuff when your old shit got dirty - Surly 1%
  22. @BabaYaga is Burt Gummer?
  23. That was the plan but Discount won’t plug a tire in the sidewall or first/curved part of the tread. Got a “free” replacement on that one and decided to go ahead and get 3 more. If I waited another 3-5 months till they where fully worn out I would end up paying the $1750 or more. Here the difference in tread taken at the same angle as the screw pic. Big difference in tread depth.
  24. Noticed a construction screw head melded into my truck tire Sunday night after coming back from the ranch. Was hoping to get another 7-10k out of this set but just paid $1380 at Discount for 3 new KO2s and a new cert for the replacement. Paid $1302 for the last full set in June ‘21. Got 43k out of them so not too bad but was hoping for a few more miles before dropping the cash on a new set.
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