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Everything posted by davidg

  1. davidg


    Wife hit a slot machine for $12k once. Got paid in Benjamin’s. Looked similar to that gif.
  2. Hey, not everyone can dock a single screw boat like this guy
  3. There was a young kid in the car and the cops knew that otherwise they probably would have shot it up.
  4. You seem to like the finer things so a Christensen in 6.5PRC unless you find a gunsmith and build one up. He’s aggie but Horizon in college station makes some great precision rifles.
  5. Team no-flashers unless you actually have an issue or emergency and in those cases move over to the right hand lane. If only there was some sort of an indicator on the back of our vehicles to notify drivers behind us that we are slowing down. Also, flashing light related: Fuck those construction crew guy that have those super bright flashing red and blue led lights. What happened to just using amber as a caution? Drivers in the opposite lanes will slow way the fuck down expecting an accident that may have spilled over in to their side of the road and its a white F250 construction truck right up against the jersey barrier.
  6. Looks like the Clear Lake fleet came out to see her go by ...
  7. Spent a cold winter night on the battleship Texas when my son was a Webelo. They got to raise the colors over her which was a pretty cool thing to do Would have sucked to be sleeping stacked 4 or 5 high I hope they get her repaired and find a good place for her to reside. I'm kinda partial to San Jacinto but anywhere they can put her and she will generate enough revenue to cover her maintenance will be fine.
  8. My Key West came with the 500 gph Rule that is standard on most small boats. First thing I upgraded was to put in a 2k gph Rule and a float switch that would trigger about 2" higher in the bilge that the factory one. Bilge float switches suck and I had replaced them at lease once before but a few years ago both of the switches would only work intermittently if at all. I ended up replacing the small pump switch with a solid state Water Witch bilge switch and the 2k pump switch with an Ultra Safety Systems Bilge jr. The USS switches are $$ but considered one of the best ones you can buy. Same with the Rule 2K pump. pulling with a
  9. RV roofs suck. All of them. Sorry you are having leaks. You could undo the edge areas and peel back the roof like flatty did and inspect to see whats going on if you haven't already. If you have to replace wood then you'll need some carpentry skills. For my trailer slide, it has a TPO roof similar to the trailer top with a strip of eternabond tape all the way around next the the wall part of the slide. I would remove all of that tape and take a look under there and see if there was a way for me to splice in a new piece of wood and then glue the roof material down and put tape and/or lap sealant over the seam. FF - Did you use an adhesive to glue the roof material back down? It seems like that isn't being done very well on a lot of trailers if at all. Big discussions about it on my trailer brand FB groups and owners forum about roof bubbles and then the whole part of the roof tearing back once all of the front roof material pulls back from the screws. I've seen a bunch of small bubble repairs that ended with using 4" or 6" Eternabond tape over the whole front seem area fastening the metal clamp bar that covers that front/roof joint. Then they using 3 or 4" eternabond tape down the whole gutter edge seam. Seems to work ok but if you get the whole roof flapping up, just go with the Rv Armor roof system or the other similar one.
  10. Fuck not owning a boat/boats!
  11. This live camera video of underwater at the Deerfield Beach Pier came across my youtube the other day and its a great virtual aquarium. Lots of baitfish, lookdowns and snook. Here's what's going on topside
  12. Anyone remember riding this bitch at Six Flags way back when? https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2018/08/06/before-the-texas-giant-six-flags-had-performing-dolphins-and-a-super-slide/
  13. Spent 6 days over last weekend camping at Inks Lake State Park. Had a real nice site right on the lake with tons of space and large oak trees. Carried the boat and kayaks as usual and had a good time. Paddled back up into Devils waterhole a few times and watched the kids jump off the rocks. Caught a few bass but mostly just enjoyed being on the water. Lots of hydrilla and moss in the no wake area by the park but the access by our campsite had been used enough that it was pretty much sand bottom. We went down the road one morning to Longhorn Cavern and took the tour through cave which was a good break from the lake for a while. It had been about 13 or 14 years since the last time we had camped here and this trip reminded us we really need to get it into a better rotation of spots.
  14. Look on Amazon or EBay for a cheap knockoff ladder rack. Might be cheaper than you think and you won’t have to spend time mcgivering a solution with unistrut.
  15. Wasn’t the ixtoc oil spill down in Mexico responsible for a big portion of that early ‘80s beach tar balls that everyone remembers?
  16. This. Kinda surprised something like this hasn't showed up here before.
  17. You realize you've been watching too many Ukraine war clips when you see this and wonder how come the drone hasn't dropped a grenade yet.
  18. Scroll down to the first video of one of 10 Tanker’s DC-10s dropping a load of retardant at danger close range. https://www.kbtx.com/2022/08/07/firefighters-battling-large-fire-south-lake-somerville-washington-county/
  19. Got a 100 acre fire 0% contained on the south side of Lake Somerville. We were out on the boat this afternoon in a cove right next to it on the lake when we noticed it kicking off. Already burnt a few houses but it looks like it will eventually burn into the lake.
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