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Everything posted by davidg

  1. Yeah, but you should see the other guy.
  2. Are you getting bees right now? Don’t think I’d start hive right now and worry about having to feed or have a struggling hive over the winter.
  3. I thought Larry “Bud” Melman died, turns out he just turned into a really fat old russian political commentator.
  4. Shitbag bully kid = cop. Seems like they got that cast correctly, although maybe he changes after getting the shit kicked out of him.
  5. At first I wondered why the shitty tiktok voice over, then I noticed the tiktok @tag and realized name checks out.
  6. Where’s a the big bull shark when you need one?
  7. @steelshank thread is that way
  8. So, how much product did y’all lose?
  9. Fuck anyone that would expect me or anyone else to somewhere and spend a weeks time on events leading up to a wedding.
  10. The first video of that drone bomb attack from a page or so back briefly showed a much bigger explosion/dust cloud in the last second of video. I wonder if they dropped on them again or hit they with a different weapon.
  11. Start with a red dot before irons IMO. It make hits easy and very fun for a beginner. As they get the fundamentals of trigger pulls, breathing, etc, then you can remove it to try iron sights, then a scope. My kid’s youth Marlin single shot 22 w /a red dot and 22 shorts is absolutely a blast on 25 yard steel spinner targets. Everyone loves shooting it. ETA: I say that as my kids had shot thousands of BBS out of a red rider before they ever shot a 22 so they had an understanding of sight picture with irons beforehand
  12. Tree pictures are so last year, everyone’s sending resume cakes these days.
  13. Tell me you've never fished offshore during fall in the NE without telling me you've never fished offshore in the NE.
  14. Was really wanting him to catch some sort of large, windblown sphere to the head while wearing that stupid batting helmet.
  15. You can get the CZ 457 American with a 22LR and a 17HMR switch barrel. I think I’ve read on Rimfirecentral that someone doing the same with the bull barrel Varmint model.
  16. CZs are very nice if buying new. Both of my kids started on a youth Marlin single shot with a red dot. I bought my daughter a Browning SA-22 (great gun and daughter is right handed, left eye dominant) and my son a S&W MP-22. If I had to do over I would have bought the CZ instead but 25rnd mag dumps with the M&P are a lot cheaper than a full size AR.
  17. Reminiscing of sunburned legs on hot vinyl seats aside, first try is go to the store and buy a can of Freon with the gauge. Look up your cars ac system online and see if you can find the recommended low side pressure and use that along with the gauge to top off the ac. If it was a slow leak, it probably leaked down to a point where the pressure was too low for the compressor to turn on. My Tundra had a slow leak and I limped it along three years putting in a lb or so every 6-9 months.
  18. davidg


    I bought a 1999 Rem 700 classic in 17 Rem a month after my son was born. I love the gun. 20gr vmax on a near max charge of varget is 4200+ fps and about 3/4 moa. It doesn’t like really long ranges but under about 250 yds stuff just goes poof and falls over.
  19. We probably still have shit tons of rockeyes and M26s in inventory and didn't sign the Oslo Treaty on cluster munitions, but I don't think we would give any of them to Ukraine with our blessing to use.
  20. You gonna fight the holy war in your shorts?
  21. davidg


    Wife hit a slot machine for $12k once. Got paid in Benjamin’s. Looked similar to that gif.
  22. Hey, not everyone can dock a single screw boat like this guy
  23. There was a young kid in the car and the cops knew that otherwise they probably would have shot it up.
  24. Edit. Never mind
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