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Everything posted by davidg

  1. College roommate had an uncle who left the fire pit at deer camp one night to go take a shit in the woods. It was cold and the uncle dropped a turd down into his coveralls and just pulled them right up on his back. Didn’t realize it until some back at the fire started asking what smelled. Said they gave his all kinds of hell about that.
  2. Ross Kemp has some very good documentaries. Search Youtube for some of his series.
  3. I was surprised he was even listening enough after the No thanks to even post the rest of what she said.
  4. The pics are great and looks like an awesome trip but you need to get this girl to sit on the starboard side of the dingy and run that outboard with her left hand like Ole Evinrude intended.
  5. Tetioara is closer to Tahiti than Bora Bora. We did 5 nights in Moorea, 4 in BB and 1 in Tahiti proper for our 15th anniversary. In 2006 we paid $450-800 a night and I imagine it’s close to double that a night now for where we stayed. We’ve talked about going back but $$$.
  6. Don’t get pissed when your guide starts calling you “le débutant” in French.
  7. The problem with just looking at weight tow rating is that it ignores cargo/load capacity of the truck. It is very easy to exceed cargo capacity with passengers, bed cargo and tongue/pin weight, in fact that is probably exceeded much more often that actual trailer tow weight. Add in 4WD and a diesel and you take real hits on load capacity. My old 4WD Crewmax Tundra has shit for load capacity: 1341lbs. I had a truck cap on it and carries a couple of hundred pounds of gear and tools most of the time in it which left a very capacity for trailer tongue weight. When we first looks at RVs, we had several sales slugs at dealerships tell us we would be fine towing a 27-28’ trailer with the Tundra. I see this on RV forums a lot where a newbie is told by a truck dealer and the camper dealer that their new 1/2 ton 4WD crew cab truck will be awesome to tow that new “1/2 ton towable” 30’ travel trailer that has a 9k gvwr. They then load the bed up with bikes, chairs, firewood and coolers and and then all the shit in the trailer and that 650lb dry, unloaded tongue weight becomes 1k+. Add Mom, Dad, the 3 kids and golden retriever and that half ton truck gets pushed all over the road on their first two trips and they are back the dealer buying a 3/4 ton.
  8. This guy has a good watch channel and is always suggesting best watch for $XXX amount. Here is his recs for $500
  9. davidg


    Yakima system for me. Had it on 3 trucks and carried two boats a lot of miles. Toting a WS Pamlico 130T and Tarpon 120 right now. I use straps at the bars and bow and stern ropes that tie to the bars and then down to an eye bolt that I added to the top loader brackets and is through bolted on the camper shell.
  10. The one that was tripping was a 15A branch and he replaced it and it still tripped. He has a loose, shorted wire somewhere in that branch. I would check the terminations at the main panel and then pull every outlet and check them. Some where in that circuit is a intermittent short. Those statements are dependent on everything else working Ok when the bad circuit breaker is turned off.
  11. Hey, you guys want to take some lobsters for your ride home?
  12. See y’all on the river
  13. It’s a 15 A breaker that is tripping, correct? Does everything else work when you turn that breaker off? What loads are on that breaker? If it is just 120V receptacles, you might need to pull them and take a look. Most RV receptacles are designed for shallow/thin walls and use an insulation displacement type of wire connection vs a screw. They suck and are very prone to loosen. ETA: Kill power to the trailer (and unplug) when you are troubleshooting each receptacle etc, then plug back in to check.
  14. Pull your panel and look for Loose wires. You really need to inspect and re-torque the VAC electrical wiring every year or so in the main panel. Road vibration, screw terminals and solid conductor wires don’t go together very well. I’m probably going to buy a torque screwdriver to ensure I get the terminal to the breaker mfrs specified torque.
  15. Camoflauge
  16. Get a set of Goodyear Endurance and you will be good to go. Also check out your spare, might need to replace it too.
  17. Never seen this performance before. All the clips I have watched are absolutely fantastic.
  18. Red Green approved.
  19. With apologies to Ron White, that sounds like just enough range to get to the crash site. I think we are a couple of generations of battery and motor technology away from being able to make an electric airplane a commercially viable product.
  20. “We never play this song as a joke”
  21. Adam throwing down a bass line and the Edge on guitar, pianos and backup vocals. Great version of one of my favorite U2 songs.
  22. But is anyone surprised that NMAS knows all about it?
  23. If you convince someone to strap something like this to a 5 gal can of gasoline the cops and fire department also come. Makes a pretty big fireball/mushroom cloud in the sky or so I've been told.
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