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Certifiably Surly
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3438 Surly 10%

About jw4381

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  1. Shit they shouldn’t even be ranked.
  2. I love all you people.
  3. Username to post quality checks out. Well done sir!
  4. So is aggy going to be the first ever in any sport in history to go from número uno to not ranked in one week? Delicious.
  5. My attempt at adding to the discussion is lame. I apologize to all those affected by such dumbass thoughts.
  6. Ok fair. He has put together a string of competitive teams at UNM, at least in regular season/MWC play. My Nuevo México bias at play I’m sure.
  7. Oh, and Richard Pitino anyone?
  8. Looking at the box score because I couldn’t watch the game, Mark went one for eight. He also played like shit against Arkansas in the first game. What the actual fuck? Personally I would’ve been so up for the games against my former team. I just don’t understand.
  9. Ooh oooh I’ve got an Einstein story! We moved to Los Alamos in 1998. There was an older lady I worked with who was born there in like 1946 or something like that. Her father was in the army and stationed there during the Manhattan Project and was in the transportation group. One day he was told to go down to where they would pick up personnel at the Rio Grande. Imagine his surprise when he got down there to see Albert fucking Einstein standing in what at the time was the middle of BFE (it still is actually). Clutching his suitcase, wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.
  10. Furrowed brows, my man.
  11. Why in the ever loving fuck is there no one putting a boot to those goon’s’ faces?
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