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Certifiably Surly
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3350 Surly 10%

About jw4381

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  1. My sincere condolences, Brother Brisket. I’m so sorry. The man lived a good life, left a good son, and is in a better place reunited with his love. Salud a él y a tú.
  2. How in the ever loving fuck did we win 13 games? Oh, defense.
  3. I'm trying to figure out why I wnb, but I really got nothing. Maybe the weirdly splayed fingers?
  4. Suhweeet win. I was waiting for a poor aggie chant did it happen?
  5. So he's a flaming liberal? Got it.
  6. Yeah, I can see him getting in a lineman’s face if said lineman isn’t kicking somebody’s ass every play.
  7. Well duh gif. I’ve never been a cool kid.
  8. Who would that be? Yes, please.
  9. creepy guy in the bushes gif
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