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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jw4381

  1. Somebody better check under his sweater to make sure he doesn't have like the original Declaration of Independence under there or some other invaluable national treasure.
  2. The quarterback slide/take him out play like that one is like sacrificing a pawn for the other guy's queen. It's not very sportsmanlike, but shit, it's going to be an advantage every time. I was actually worried about Arch doing it on that one play in the 3rd quarter. There was a defensive player in front of him and behind him that could have completely taken him out, if they had wanted to. Or been told to...
  3. And no one can refute that. Except for their opponents on a regular basis.
  4. Yorkmar up there already plotting revenge. Watch your cornholes, Longhorns.
  6. In true agroid fashion, they'll mean to hire Mark Stoops, but will make a mistake on the contract and write "Mike" Stoops instead, and so it goes.
  7. Looks like the ball's out of his hands. I agree they should have reviewed it.
  8. I'm pretty sure he caught it behind that black line.
  9. If his heel (any part of his body) isn't past the los, it's not an illegal pass.
  10. OU and KSU didn't play each other.
  11. Big 12 championship berth on the line and t boone isn't full? Amateurs.
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