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Everything posted by joeycovers

  1. Sorry Ass Cowboys. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
  2. Not sure what happened to my bracket I did but it didn’t load. It’s under shakkalltheway which is the bracket I did for another pool. Is what it is. Hope y’all burn my $25 on something nice
  3. Everyone dodged that Ohio St bullet
  4. Sent. I hope @Prepuce of Doomis telling the truth
  5. In, What is the paypal address i send to?
  6. For fucks sake. I looked up and down those posts 3x and still missed Michigan. I’ll take North Texas
  7. GD. I’ll take a lap and Take Maryland @Prepuce of Doom is up. I think. I suck at this.
  8. @HornOnTheBayou my bad. It’s early. Figured me and Jack could just trade picks and hope nobody noticed.
  9. Doh! If someone wants 1 less ill happily take one.
  10. The year I won it I had that Nun on my side. Can’t remember which team but they were like a 12 seed and either made the F4 or elite 8. Loyola maybe?
  11. Im in... Won it a couple years ago. Back to take reclaim my stripped title belt.
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