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Everything posted by joeycovers

  1. I think the standard one is invite a friend of both get $10 but i dont know any others.
  2. I knew absolutely nothing about Crypto and just got into Coinbase. It's very simple and user friendly for me. If I can understand it anyone can. I know nothing about the others but I cant imagine they are any easier than Coinbase. I'm learning on the go. It's free to convert from one Crypto to another. Cashout is simple. Every new Crypto you purchase charges a fee.
  3. Man, If you came for Manning this game is extremely boring
  4. New listings in BOLD 1. Clemson Vs Georgia ABC 8.863M 2. Bama @ ATM CBS 8.334 3. Alabama @ Florida CBS 7.863 4.Oregon @ Ohio St Fox 7.73M 5. Auburn @ Penn St ABC 7.6M 6. Penn St @ Iowa FOX 6.904 7. Texas vs OU ABC 5.94 8. Alabama vs Miami ABC 5.674M 9. Penn St @ Wisconsin FOX 5.409M 10. ND vs Wisconsin FOX 5.369 BIG 12 Only 1. Texas vs OU ABC 5.94 2. WVU @ OU ABC 4.502 3. Nebraska @ OU FOX 4.21 4. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 5. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 6. Louisiana @ Texas FOX 2.89M 7. OU @ KST FOX 2.616 8. Tulane @ OU ABC 2.52M 9. Texas @ TCU ABC 2.384 10. Iowa St @ Baylor FOX 2.02
  5. #1 for me. Can’t Wait to take it all in. After UT wins I expect invites for life until they lose. I’m a good luck charm.
  6. I’ll be in Dallas for the game. Heading up today. I can transfer them over. I have no idea what tickpick is though.
  7. Will do. Thank you. Trying to just get my money back. I’ll put on stub hub today.
  8. Have 2 extra tickets. No Dirt Burglars allowed. Looking for Face. DM me Sec 116 Row 12. $300 for the pair.
  9. New listings in BOLD 1. Clemson Vs Georgia ABC 8.863M 2. Alabama @ Florida CBS 7.863 3.Oregon @ Ohio St Fox 7.73M 4. Auburn @ Penn St ABC 7.6M 5. Alabama vs Miami ABC 5.674M 6. Penn St @ Wisconsin FOX 5.409M 7. ND vs Wisconsin FOX 5.369 8.. Washington @ Michigan ABC 4.7M 9. Miss @ Bama CBS 4.792 10. WVU @ Ou ABC 4.502 10. ATM @ Colorado FOX 4.502M BIG 12 Only 1. WVU @ OU ABC 4.502 2. Nebraska @ OU FOX 4.21 3. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 4. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 5. Louisiana @ Texas FOX 2.89M 6. OU @ KST FOX 2.616 7. Tulane @ OU ABC 2.52M 8. Texas @ TCU ABC 2.384 9. Iowa St @ Baylor FOX 2.02 10. TT @ Texas ABC 1.72
  10. Sorry. Technology is hard and I don’t know how to post a video.
  11. https://youtu.be/7NOfEbdsIZ0
  12. Do game tickets get you fair entrance all weekend? Only gameday? Not at all?
  13. New listings in BOLD 1. Clemson Vs Georgia ABC 8.863M 2. Alabama @ Florida CBS 7.863 3.Oregon @ Ohio St Fox 7.73M 4. Auburn @ Penn St ABC 7.6M 5. Alabama vs Miami ABC 5.674M 6. Penn St @ Wisconsin FOX 5.409M 7. ND vs Wisconsin FOX 5.369 8.. Washington @ Michigan ABC 4.7M 9. WVU @ Ou ABC 4.502 9. ATM @ Colorado FOX 4.502M BIG 12 Only 1. WVU @ OU ABC 4.502 2. Nebraska @ OU FOX 4.21 3. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 3. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 4. Louisiana @ Texas FOX 2.89M 5. Tulane @ OU ABC 2.52M 7. Iowa St @ Baylor FOX 2.02 8. TT @ Texas ABC 1.72 9. WVU @ Maryland ESPN 1.35 10. VT @ WVU FS1 932K
  14. Hopefully for once we can hear the Ou never offered him a scholarship narrative for a kid that grew up in their backyard.
  15. New listings in BOLD 1. Clemson Vs Georgia ABC 8.863M 2. Alabama @ Florida CBS 7.863 3.Oregon @ Ohio St Fox 7.73M 4. Auburn @ Penn St ABC 7.6M 5. Alabama vs Miami ABC 5.674M 6. Penn St @ Wisconsin FOX 5.409M 7. Washington @ Michigan ABC 4.7M 8. ATM @ Colorado FOX 4.5M 9. Nebraska @ OU FOX 4.21 10. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M BIG 12 Only 1. Nebraska @ OU FOX 4.21 2. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 3. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 4. Louisiana @ Texas FOX 2.89M 5. Tulane @ OU ABC 2.52M 6. WVU @ Maryland ESPN 1.35 7. VT @ WVU FS1 932K 8. TT @ Houston ESPN 831K 9. Ok St @ Boise ST FS1 596K Nothing else over 400K
  16. T-Shirt Fan - Dad liked em and I followed all of pops teams. First distinct memory was Stockton FG over UVA. Never was a guy that went to play school so I joined military instead. Hope to send my kids to UT one day.
  17. It's the most watched ESPN game of the first 2 weeks. ESPN numbers never compare to ABC,FOX and CBS
  18. They did it in Houston. Had to gamecast the end of the game. Ridiculous.
  19. This interests me and I did this a few years ago and decided to do it again. Putting a list together of most watched games in the country and big12 on the season. Here it is so far. I omit standalone games like Thursday, Friday plus the Labor day Sunday and Monday games 1. Clemson Vs Georgia ABC 8.863M 2.Oregon @ Ohio St Fox 7.73M 3. Alabama vs Miami ABC 5.674M 4. Penn St @ Wisconsin ABC 5.409M 5. Washington @ Michigan ABC 4.7M 6. ATM @ Colorado FOX 4.5M 7. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 8. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 9. LSU @ UCLA FOX 3.2M 10. Nebraska @ Illinois 3.2M BIG 12 Only 1. Iowa @ Iowa St ABC 3.8M 2. Texas @ Arkansas ESPN 3.356M 3. Louisiana @ Texas FOX 2.89M 4. Tulane @ OU ABC 2.52M 5. TT @ Houston ESPN 831K Nothing else over 400K
  20. Going to need 4 now. I’m fine sitting in the cheaps. Just want to be in the stadium. thanks
  21. In search of 2 tickets for TX/OU. Trying to go to the game for the first time for my 40th Bday. PM if anyone has any they are looking to sale. Thanks
  22. joeycovers

    DMX dead.

    His “Intro” on his first album was one of the best I’ve ever heard. What a way to start your music career.
  23. @Prepuce of Doom money sent. Congrats.
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