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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. No. There’s a hotshot 911 call. What was happening during the call who knows. You ever been choked/choking? You’re not going to make a phone call. Did he choke/restrict breathing at some point before or even after that? We don’t know but seems possible or even likely. He should and will be gone when enough facts are out. I agree it seems unlikely he keeps his job barring a miracle set of circumstances.
  2. Why do you keep bringing up alcohol in relation to this incident? I mean I realize 99% of this thread is speculation but at least there is some tweet or rumor or whatever to base that speculation on. You seem to be just going off of time of night?
  3. You’ve repeated that a couple of times. We don’t know that.
  4. No kidding. No buoy, doesn’t check the surface as he goes up. Fucking idiot. He least he is admitting it was his fault at the end of the video and not freaking out at the boat driver.
  5. well shit if I had known that I wouldn’t have bought tickets. I’m still up in the air on timing. If you want to go I can drive up the 29th and come back the 30th. I’ll give you a shout this weekend. I was going to ride up with a friend and then probably rent a car to come back. I’ll talk to him and see what we can work out.
  6. I’m going to the game so I’d be in. Doesn’t look like there’s much interest though? Might be simpler to just meet up at a bar before the game. I’ll buy the first round the rest is on Longboard Horn since he suggested it.
  7. So Uber worked great for the Creighton game. Dropped off an hour before tip-off maybe 100 yards away - northeast corner of Moody on Red River. Picked up at the same place right after the game ended, less than 10 minutes after requesting a ride. Getting out going north was easy. After the u-turn We were back downtown to our place in 10 minutes for 16 bucks.
  8. At some point in time and actually 2017, this was the display I ran into in Costa Rica at one of the local grocery stores. I’m pretty sure that was just after it had been banned here in the U.S. I wanted to tell them not to sell/drink it. I didn’t say a word.
  9. Their transition defense was outstanding. Our seats were behind the baseline on the corner so we had a great view of that all game long. Overall they are just a really well coached team but having no bench will be difficult for them to overcome. I’m a bit perplexed at our substitution pattern especially in the 2nd half but I’ll put that in the season thread and probably not until tomorrow.
  10. I think all the people that sit in those empty seats in your picture are just 100 feet back in the club that's right behind those sections. The seats fill in quick because those people don't have far to go before tip. Yeah definitely. They filled really fast and it was great to see. So did all the other seats around us and I suspect the 6 tip-off has a lot to do with it too. There are so many clubs and beverage options at Moody. It was weird seeing all the hard liquor concessions after so many years of going to games at the Drum. It was definitely fairly quiet most of the first half. Or at least it wasn’t what I was expecting. Second half was better. I think part of it was playing “Creighton” and despite what some others have said this year we still have a lot of fans that go to games as a social event and not to make a lot of noise. And the piped in music is almost as overwhelming and annoying as Godzillatron at football games. Still, a huge improvement over the Erwin Center. Row C. Seats 1-4. You might have seen when my Dad got a little irritated with a Creighton fan that was acting just fine.
  11. Right before tipoff I was worried about the crowd. The pic is just before they announced the starting lineups. It got better. Great time tonight and I have a few thoughts for later but now it’s time for a celebratory cocktail or 2 downtown. CD4B41FF-330D-4E05-971A-A92E7B68BEA4.MOV
  12. Yeah Uber from downtown was my suggestion. That sort of got shot down because they were worried it would be impossible to get one after the game. I think it would be fine? It’s not a non-mobile person. Just 75 and bad hips so walking far isn’t good. Thanks for the help assholes.
  13. Like directly across has been open? We are going to have one person with us that is not real mobile.
  14. I just looked at stubhub and prices for Creighton have come way down from when I bought last week. Oh well, I’m in.
  15. Parking question. Headed to the game tomorrow and none of us have been to a home game since Shaka’s 2nd season and of course that was at Erwin. Not to mention that whole area has changed so much I barely recognize it. Anyone have a secret or not secret spot for Moody events? I guess the Trinity/San Jac garages and if the line leaving is long just grab some beer at Scholz? Are they even open anymore postgame?
  16. That’s a catch
  17. He would have explaining to do anyway. The only reason they would need a conversion is because he’s a fucking moron.
  18. I mean if LSU scores quick again here this isn’t exactly over. I can not wait to hear the explanation of going for 2 there.
  19. Yeah I like the three guard lineup too I just think in a 9 man rotation like we are using now we will go to a 3 guard lineup only as a change of pace. We only have 4 guards that play. If Allen keeps struggling I could see Bishop starting for a bit.
  20. Wait you want to take Disu off the court? Username checks out.
  21. Maybe the shooting has something do with that sun in their face
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