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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Ha, I pass by that building almost every day and a friend of mine eats breakfast there all the time. Same friend just found a nice apartment to rent 3 blocks from there. Nice 2 bedroom with a/c and a balcony (jungle view) for 600 bucks.
  2. These all aged well. sorry hayden didn’t mean to quote you too.
  3. Yes because that thread was the only source of information at the time. She’s not going to prison for the rest of her life unless you think she’s dying at an early age. @Hermanator will not agree because I’m a fucking idiot American and have no idea how any of this works. He said the vape cartridges were 100% planted and if you believe otherwise you are an idiot. He was wrong before, she was headed IN to Russia not out, and now she’s admitting she had a doctor’s prescription for it. They likely watched her and took her down at an opportune time. Doesn’t change the fact that she is guilty AND we need to help her out but not by trading for arms dealers and killers.
  4. Blue marlin get bigger than black marlin.
  5. Eh, if the property manager is telling the truth about it being that specific property then it’s a neighbor and/or the owner is in on it. And yeah, you don’t leave shit out and don’t leave stuff in cars. That kind of stuff and shoplifting also is getting really bad back home in Port A too. Got here a week ago and headed back home for the Alabama game. Plan going forward is to spend January-March and June- August down here and go from there. I can’t see us here full time yet.
  6. Damn man. Sorry to hear. Did y’all ever look at Escazu?
  7. Got back in late Monday night and took the puddle jumper from San Jose to Quepos Tuesday morning. Well, that flight got cancelled so they put us on a flight to Puerto Jimenez and from there to Quepos. Turned a 20 minute flight into a 1.5 hour flight but got some good views and flew right over the whale’s tail in Uvita. Weather has been really good. It starts raining about 3 in the afternoon but nothing too bad so far. They had some horrific flooding about 10 days ago. So far mostly we’ve just been catching up with friends that live here. Went to the Cocal beach that you reach by ferry for the first time the other day with a Tica friend of ours. I would not recommend going over there without a local. Found a cool little bar right on the beach that was basically a tin roof and some stools. Spent another afternoon on the deck at a friends place (see attached ocean view). It’s a modern 3 bedroom on the hill above Quepos. They rent it for 1100 a month. Just wow. There’s a great new restaurant in the marina. It’s legit Mexican food which I’ve never found here before.
  8. Well I don’t understand any of that sailing stuff but the weather part is all too familiar. Glad y’all made it pretty much ok.
  9. Well don’t blame him I can’t stay out of CR either. Headed down manana catch you in Austin for the Alabama game.
  10. Well the fishing got even worse. Only 18 billfish caught yesterday. Overall winner was El Patron who won 176,000. The boat I mentioned above that I’m pretty sure ran to Louisiana won 70,000. The blue they weighed yesterday came in at 680 pounds.
  11. We did 4 or 5 years ago for this same tournament and if I remember right it was just under 600 miles round trip. It sucks to do 30 knots in the gulf chop. You don’t sleep. We used bladders and most of the big boats do too. I’ve mainly seen the barrels on center consoles. I think the idea is they get out there and take up less space and sink them after they are emptied?
  12. Can’t emphasize enough how bad the fishing is/was. As of about 10 this morning there were 6 or 7 blue marlin caught. Maybe 6 or 7 whites and sails. At end of day 27 total billfish. 40ish boats are fishing. Most boats will move back inshore tomorrow so there will be more sails and whites caught.
  13. Hello POC. Nice what did it weigh? And it was wrapped up’s fish? Dragging Up has a fish about 1.5 feet bigger in the boat. They aren’t weighing until tomorrow so I’m assuming they are somewhere in Louisiana. That was My captain is in 2nd place on Instigator for release and overall. He’s not running the boat just fishing with the guys. Looks like they lost the daily in the last hour and honestly there’s not much money there I think it was around 15,000. At any rate they are in good shape for tomorrow. Fishing sucked. They win tomorrow it looks like 175,000 payout. Currently it’s 56,000 for 2nd.
  14. Yeah that’s a great and funny video for so many reasons. Nice fish. My first trip to Cabo was ‘83 but all I’ve got is a few pictures.
  15. Jesus fuck why include his vaccination status in the headline. I mean we know but there are150 million idiots out there that will say see, vaccinations don’t work.
  16. That and the case numbers, if you can even find them are meaningless too. Of the 7 extended family members I know that have tested positive this summer exactly 0 of them were reported.
  17. So you’ve put this in 2 threads with no context.
  18. Back in college I was out throwing bass plugs around the Lake Austin docks one evening. Caught a pretty small bass that completely swallowed the plug and it’s pair of treble hooks. As I’m reaching in its mouth it flips and one of the trebles goes right into my thumb. My thumb is all the way down the throat and the other treble hook is still lodged in the fish so We are now one unit. Fish is flopping around and it hurts bad. I squeeze the fuck out of the bass to kill it. This is before cell phones so get in my car to drive to the nearest pay phone. Take my shirt off and wrap it around my hand so nobody sees me making a phone call with my thumb stuck in a fish. Call my dad who is laughing hysterically at my predicament. He wants me to drive to the emergency room and go in there fish and all. I’m like fuck no bring me a knife and scissors this thing is coming off. He finally agreed and I was able to go get just the hook cut out. He still likes that story to be told when we are fishing.
  19. Sling sounds like your best bet and it’s got Longhorn Network too.
  20. Those were two different posters.
  21. So y’all were the assholes we were hearing last night. You know it’s illegal and we basically haven’t had rain in 4 months right? (Yes I know it rained for like 5 minutes today) oh, we also don’t have a fire department, it’s volunteer. You should have walked over and poured your beer on those dudes.
  22. Noon Shotgun start of Billfish Pachanga tournament here in Port A. 49 boats. I was at the beginning of the start and wish I had walked all the way to the end of the jetties to see them all at full throttle. 010F2026-EECA-403C-9D26-FADAE7447B91.MOV
  23. Beach. I’ve had a boat down in Quepos since 2015. It’s for sale but the idea is buy a newer and probably smaller one and a condo or something in Manuel Antonio. I’ve always just stayed on the boat when I’m there and I enjoy that. I’d prefer to be actually in Quepos walking distance to the marina, but there just aren’t many/any options there.
  24. Good luck. I remember you’ve spent a lot of time there. I’m headed down in a little over a week for 2 months which will make 5 months of living there this year. Still trying to work out the logistics of spending at least 6 months a year there every year.
  25. Congrats. Where are you going to be? From what I’ve seen the people that move there and actually live there full time realize they love it or hate it really quickly.
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