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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Yup. Not ever gonna top pissing on a tree on a camping trip. Not even gonna try. I dug a gold ole latrine by golly. But man his friends were fucking crazy.
  2. Fascinating story. And as usual not at all related to the subject of the original post.
  3. You’ve led a very interesting life and your posts do nothing to dispel that.
  4. At first I was thinking that was my dad’s username back on Hornfans but now I’m pretty sure it was KeepRC. So same thing.
  5. To be fair, that’s a pretty remote part of Costa Rica but yeah Playa Santa Teresa is definitely a tourist town these days. Wonder how she fucked up to catch the attention of the CR police or someone else there. Basically to get there she could have taken a puddle jumper, bus, or private van. Private van cash pay no ID. The plane would ask for ID and I’m also almost positive the bus there does too. So she did one of those 2 things if that’s how she got caught. But seems like it would have been a much quicker arrest. if she tripped up in Santa Teresa she likely was a moron and used her passport for the hostel. I’ll put it this way, there is basically no local police presence there. Americans go on extended vacations there all the time and wouldn’t attract any attention at all. She did something really stupid to get caught once she was able to get to San Jose.
  6. I mean it’s a barracuda. What’s not to like? Sure it’s a trash fish in most circles but it’s a trophy fish for idiot tourists that pay good money to go fish and end up with that and then get talked into mounting the damn thing. It’s perfect aggy.
  7. ^ @Anastasis seems like that’s about 6 months late. It’s not the variant we are dealing with now as far as I can tell. Unless they think the new vaccine will provide better protection from severe disease than the original?
  8. This. I mean at this point I pretty much assume that 1 out of 15 people I come into contact with have it. I just had it so it’s not a big concern and actually wasn’t a big concern before I got it. This variant is contagious as fuck and trying to figure out who you got it from is pretty much a fool’s errand unless you are locking yourself inside your house. 20 days would be way, way outside the norm.
  9. Exactly. my mom is still sick she’s on day 20 something now. She’s testing negative but still feels bad and isn’t getting out of bed. I hate to think what would have happened if she got one of the earlier more severe variants.
  10. Ha. I popped positive exactly as quickly as you did but mine might have even been 5 seconds. My symptoms lasted less than 48 hours and were never even as bad as bad allergies. are your kids positive too? Trust me I’m firmly in the camp of this variant is now a minor annoyance but actively getting out and around people is still something I would not do. Just to update my saga, 3 of the 4 people in my house last week are now positive and so is the person that was in the car with 2 of them on the way down. I suspect the 4th has it but he feels ok and isn’t getting tested. They also managed to take it back to Dallas (which I guess is good because that’s where they brought it from?) and infect 2 other people so far. Now 3 of the positives are on a road trip to Virginia for a move. On the bright side, we did 2 bbq dinners with friends while they were here and so far all of those people are fine. Another day or two and they should be in the clear. I’m a firm believer in outdoor spread is difficult.
  11. No. It’s insane. Dude a few days ago was walking around with his assault rifle, got stopped. It was all good until they found brass knuckles on him so he got arrested. Might be a Facebook story but this is the world we are living in.
  12. Well the other reason is because you’re football takes suck. Arch choosing us should be a game changing moment. Hopefully we take advantage of it.
  13. He’s senile and/or regarded. Do not engage.
  14. Holy Fuck. I didn’t mean for you to write a wall of text. I agree with you. On everything, except the Arch commitment. You’ve got battered Horns syndrome or something. My point obviously was not whether it translates to wins or Sark being the guy, but if you are so far removed from being able to see how big this is I’m not sure what a to say. They spent 5 minutes on the ESPN show yesterday talking about it. Ask fucking aggy how much wins matter.
  15. It took you over an hour to,post in this thread. You’re slipping.
  16. Sorry Louisiana.
  17. I agree with pretty much everything you say, but you are way underestimating Arch’s effect. Basketball yes probably doesn’t matter, but in honor of Arch’s commitment I wore a Longhorn shirt when I went out yesterday. I can’t tell you how many random strangers gave me a high five and a fuck yes, we got Manning. It’s huge.
  18. Lol. No you can eat then. Very good Yup. They are slimy as hell and stink, but damn if you prepare them right they are really good. One of the best restaurants here, Venetian, had it as a special years ago. The waitress was a friend of mine and told me she’d buy my meal if I didn’t like it. Was really good.
  19. Copy/paste. This is what I’m dealing with. - “Oh I hope so. I texted my dr yesterday and I asked if I could have another Meyers cocktail. He said to come in and get my vitals checked and they were fine. (He was in his other office.) They gave me the Meyers…it takes an hour. So the other dr came in, he started the practice and he said that treatment of Covid is the only thing he and my dr disagree on. He said he wanted me to take Hydrochoroquine and get 2 steroid shots, one yesterday and the other one Friday and I started the Hydro yesterday. He wasn’t going to tell my dr…. Anyway, I feel much better. We’ll see…the Hydro is for 15 days.🥰🥰🥰” so basically other than the Meyers Cocktail, which helps, we have 2 doctors in the same practice that can’t agree on how to treat this and they aren’t even talking about it and are actively giving contradictory advice. Good job.
  20. It’s better than her husband, a gyn surgeon that prescibed himself ivermectin when he got sick 2 weeks ago. . He’s fine. I’m never going to hear the end of this.
  21. Probably Paxlovid. Mom has now had another round of everything. Another steroid shot and she’s feeling better. Shes basically 3 weeks in now. Her primary care doc wanted to leave it alone, but he wasn’t there yesterday so the other doc gave her hydroxchloroquine. I’m a little bit pissed.
  22. I did find this from on old link on 2coolfishing. This looks to be the best bet by far if they are still in business. http://www.texasbluewatersafaris.com/
  23. I would pay good money to watch him try to keep a decent sized one out of an oil rig. It’s hard enough using a boat to winch one out on 80 pound tackle. I don’t know anyone out of Port A that spear fish charters. You might try Freeport or South Padre and I doubt grouper is a target species.
  24. There are 30 other options I would try before going back to Grumbles. You were correct, it’s meh. With a view.
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