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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. They are employees of the corporation. Insurance is issued to the owner/company. Captain has nothing to do with it, but most insurance requires a licensed captain rated for the vessel size.
  2. This. I’m positive they told me last year when I tried to exit to get something out of my car that I couldn’t be able to come back in.
  3. Location/land value is a huge chunk of it. I know the current and previous owners. That place is a gold mine, does ok during the off-season and then prints money for 4-5 months a year.
  4. Yeah I didn’t go there much either maybe a few times a year. But they actually had fairly decent food and a ribeye steak dinner that was good. I’m not in town and have really heard nothing yet about what is going to happen to the place. I have friends going there tonight to try to find out what the future plans are. Selling it as is seems to make the most sense to me - it’s worth a really nice chunk of change assuming they own the land. Last time Virginia’s sold it was for 18 million or something like that. Moby’s isn’t worth as much since it’s not on the water but they are going to get paid well.
  5. Just lost another restaurant. Moby Dick’s will be closing permanently Sep. 14th I’m assuming it will be sold and re-open as a new restaurant.
  6. We’re not going to have to punt.
  7. This was today at around halftime of our game. Maybe someone will want a chance at an experience like this.
  8. never actually seen inside the mouth and out the gill plate before. Really sick bite too. Switched right off the teaser and ate my pitch. Think this fish had been caught before and just wanted to show off.
  9. Great win today, didn’t watch but will watch the replay tomorrow. Decided to fish again tomorrow. Wasn’t planning on it but made that call after getting to the dock this evening. Late in the day we found some really good water and bait. And got this footage. Best we’ve ever had, even the drone guy was pumped up and he droned a million dollar marlin on the 4th of July. Had a few people say they can’t see our uploaded videos, so here’s YouTube. Overall 5/7 sails, 1/2 blue marlin so a little slower than it has been this summer, but enough to make us want to wake up in 6 hours and get back at it again. Longer version
  10. I will for sure be there for the Georgia and Florida games. Right now I’m not sure if I will make any others. I’ll text you soon and we can work out whatever you think would work best.
  11. @immamac I’ll donate a fishing trip if you want to do a silent auction or something at the tailgates.
  12. 361 is the only place that you can count on to have sound. I just don’t like going there. I’ll be streaming the game while we are billfishing tomorrow down here in Costa Rica. Welcome to join me.
  13. @Hook1997I bet Black Marlin is the best choice the more I think about it. But I’d go check out their setup first.
  14. It’s Labor Day weekend everything will be busy. Good luck. Not sure if you care about sound but if you don’t, I’d probably try 1886. TV is decent enough. same goes for Black Marlin. I think both their inside and outside bars have TV’s but honestly I don’t remember if they are good for game watching or not.
  15. In the last 10 years tourism has grown a billion percent. Despite that we’ve lost Marcel’s, Pelican CLUB (lost Pelican Landing too but that place sucked), Inferno/Liberty Hall, Shell’s, Irie’s, Harbor Lights, Giggity’s, and La Barateria. All those places were good to excellent. I’m sure I missed one or two. The few new restaurants that have opened range from mediocre to suck.
  16. Yes. And not much of one at that.
  17. The food scene sucks in Port A these days. There’s Venetian Hot Plate and then nothing. Sip Yard is ok if you have a group that can’t agree on where to go. Upstairs the bar has a good view and there are 5 different options for food. I’ve been out of town most of the time since they opened, but really liked their pizza place and the brisket taco at the taco place was good. The Asian place was barely mediocre. All of that was almost 2 months ago though and I think there’s a seafood place open there now.
  18. Yup, dude is fixated on fishing, particularly very large marlin and fishing for surface swordfish. Buddy of mine fished with him a few months ago. ESPN is filming an E60 show on them next month. Hopefully it’s interesting because the content that Bad Comaony is putting out right now on their social media is unwatchably boring even for me. And that’s coming from a guy that can stare at baits and teasers for hours on end even if there is no action.
  19. It’s definitely not as bad as those holidays. Still crowded though. The weather forecast doesn’t look great either and that will also help keep the crowds down.
  20. So, 2 donors. One is giving the most and the other person is contributing a smaller amount. Is there protocol/etiquette on what order the foundation is named? In other words Smith is giving 750,000 and Jones is giving 250,000. Is this the Smith/Jones Foundation or the Jones/Smith foundation? Or, my argument is it doesn't fucking matter.
  21. Just for fun and tournaments. I haven’t spent much time up there but I know a lot of people who really like it. Down here my marina is building condos and I recently bought one. When it is finished the plan is about 8-9 months a year here. The last few years I’ve averaged about 6 months here so not much difference. I just love this country (and the fishing).
  22. Marina Pez Vela on the Pacific side. The town is called Quepos, but most people refer to this area as Manuel Antonio.
  23. Anytime. Just get yourself to Costa Rica. We did a Shaggy fishing trip when I had a boat in Port Aransas. Need to do another one down here.
  24. True but just filling the cockpit isn’t going to cause a boat like that to sink. Heck we’ve done it numerous times and just did again last week. A boat capsizing like that is almost always a series of failures and that boat sure went down quick. From the moment the video started they already knew they were sinking - you see the life raft tossed down. I’m sure there is more to that story and the boat was taking on water from somewhere in the hull. last week - IMG_1688.mov
  25. Yes skipjack is a type of tuna. Great bait for marlin. As to the fish in question I’ve always called them skipjacks too. Great fighters.
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