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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. I put this on the Port A thread, but in addition to all the restaurant closures over the last 2 weeks I know of one restaurant here that has 8/10 employees out with Covid. Only one employee was vaxxed. Delta is really bad here. I know a woman who passed away a day ago (not sure of vax status) and a 35 year old on a vent who I also don’t know if vaxxed. I’d guess not but he was definitely in great shape. Pharmacy friend of mine says they are seeing over 20 Covid cases a day. Shit is hitting too close to home. Y’all stay safe.
  2. I’m so torn here. He deserves to get really, really sick. On the other hand he’s vaccinated and maybe comes out of this with no problems and passes that message along. I’m not holding my breath on the latter.
  3. Oh for fucks sake. He’s got money, and access to great healthcare, just like any Democrat with money that gets Covid. He’s also asymptotic and VACCINATED. There’s a message there. If you know anyone struggling to get treated send me a private message and I will be happy to help. If they are unvaccinated, sorry about their luck, but I will still see what I can do.
  4. So I got my original 2 shots at an HEB in Corpus. They did not ask for my drivers license or any other form of ID. I did have to fill out a form with my SSN number, and since I put 123456789 I’m assuming they think I’ve been vaccinated about 1 million times.
  5. It’s kind of my understanding what with hipaa laws and all that they can’t refuse to give you a booster shot because they can’t even ask why you are getting it. It’s approved already for immunocompromised. Am I missing something? I was fully vaxxed as of April and unless something changes I’ll be getting my 3rd in October.
  6. So, it’s getting better but we still have some places closed. Roosevelt’s (the high-end restaurant at Tarpon Inn) has 10 employees. 8 were out with Covid this week. None were vaccinated which is maddening. Obviously they were closed. The pharmacy is saying they are seeing over 20 Covid cases a day. Among locals. No telling how many tourists have it here. I can’t wait for this summer to be over. oh, and I had a few beers with @immamacat Shorty’s Friday night. He spilled one of the beers but fortunately it was his and not mine. damned aggy.
  7. yeah local children’s hospital in Corpus currently has 20 kids in ICU with Covid. And 20 kids with RSV.
  8. Oh it was definitely the nurses who did it. I just meant the docs allowed me to have some sedatives before they did it.
  9. So, I know a couple of people that have done House Hunters International in Costa Rica. I’ll put it this way, I pop in every few months on the Below Deck thread to remind them it is 100% fake. In the case of HHI - in Costa Rica at least - they recruit people that have already bought a property. And none of them live there year round. I have no idea where the budget numbers come from, but the people I know literally didn’t have a budget. They just bought a place they liked in an area they wanted to be. One of them was actually buying a place for his pilot, driver and gardener to share which of course never got mentioned on the show. He already had a really nice home in CR. More to your topic , most of the expats I know that live down there full time are freaking miserable. The ones I know in Panama are much happier. Just read the first few posts in this thread so far so I’m guessing you are referring more to Europe anyway so I’ll read up and comment if I can.
  10. This is also getting ready to happen in Nueces County (Corpus Christi). I’m guessing it gets announced this afternoon at the weekly Covid news briefing, but I’ve been told it’s happening “soon”.
  11. Not to doubt you, but I’ve had a very lot of not fun medical shit up my nose (ulcerative colitis with end result my colon was removed) so I’ve had the nasogastric tube 4 times - initial one step surgery, emergency surgery for blockage and give me the colostomy bag, takedown of the colostomy bag and hook me back up to my ass, and then another blockage. The only time I had a feeding tube was IV prior to and after the emergency surgery, and it was in my neck/shoulder. So this would be a different kind of feeding tube than what I had? This was 20 years ago and I was completely out of it most of the time so I don’t remember the exact location, but I know it wasn’t my nose. I’m vaccinated, so hopefully I do not need to look forward to yet another tube up my nose. I had good docs who were kind and semi sedated me while sticking the NG up there (swallow!). Taking it out wasn’t much fun either.
  12. No, just a random dude. I’m fully vaxxed and I will admit I am still going to bars now that Delta popped up here. They are all open air and we sit outside. I live in a tourist town and don’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many people either comment something like “ I can’t believe they still have sanitizer sitting on the bar”, or my favorite “well you know the vaccine isn’t working so why get it?” We quickly move away from those people. It’s a pandemic and an epidemic of utter stupidity.
  13. Because they are lying. Pretty much everyone down here is having Covid issues right now or has had them in the last 2 weeks. And it really doesn’t make me that angry but it is bullshit that it’s not ok to admit that hey, we caught a few Covid cases and shut down until we can figure out the extent of the problem. We will reopen when we are confident that it’s under control. Most have done that and it’s not hard to test all of your employees and then reopen.
  14. This is 100% false and why I get pissed off at spreading that kind of misinformation. EVERYONE needs to stop with the bullshit. Isn’t it enough to say that if you are vaccinated and get Covid you are like 10 or 20 times more likely to live? You are giving ammo to the stupid because they can easily see you are lying. Links to prove you wrong? Here, I’ll do it for you https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/breakthrough-covid-cases-least-125-000-fully-vaccinated-americans-have-n1275500 “Some state officials said that they could not be sure the vaccinated individuals had died from Covid-19 or from other causes. But other states directly attribute the cause to Covid-19: 32 deaths in Louisiana, 52 in Washington state, 24 in Georgia, 49 in New Jersey, 169 in Illinois.” https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/21/coronavirus-texas-vaccinated-deaths/ etc.
  15. That’s cheap. I don’t even have a full time captain anymore. It’s a fishing boat. My friends with much larger and nicer boats are upwards of 10,000 a month. One of my very good friends budgets 200,000 a year for payroll and maintenance. That doesn’t include fuel, say 2000ish bucks per day. Or entry fees to tournaments. Friend just came in 2nd place in Texas Legends tournament this weekend. He won around 80,000. His entry fees including optional pots was around 30,000 (you can enter and fish for around 4,000 but if you did that and won without getting in the optional pots your payout would be 15,000). The winner won 200,000. There were 34 boats in the tournament. You do the math.
  16. Unfortunately, at least here in Port Aransas, almost nobody is wearing masks anymore. I was at an outdoor bar tonight and a guy gave me shit for using hand sanitizer after using the restroom. It was basically “what are you scared of the flu”? The bartender also questioned me wondering if they were out of soap. I’m like no, I do this everywhere I go. I’m all with you on the asshats. But I think it’s more of an intelligence issue and it’s worldwide. Americans are just worse than most. I have a ton of Costa Rican friends and about half will never take the vaccine and the other half desperately want it but can’t get it. Their vax rate is around 15% because they can’t get it. So in that sense, we are lucky in the U.S.
  17. No not at all. It was impossible to get Covid, or now Delta in low case states? It’s impossible to control the spread of a virus if you are allowing travel. This isn’t even an argument. Y’all did very good in NY after the initial surge because you masked up and limited indoor dining and bars. I’ve been beating that drum since I started the Texas Covid thread. Again, I agree with you. Fuck, this is part of our problem. I get angry, you get angry and meanwhile nobody is doing anything constructive to help solve the problem.
  18. I get where you are coming from, honestly. This shit sucks and I am beyond tired of it. I don’t travel like you do but I did have a trip ruined to France, Spain and Italy last year. I have a boat in Costa Rica that I basically have been unable to use for the last year and a half. That’s roughly 4 grand in slip fees and maintenance every month. It sucks.
  19. Do you have an airport?
  20. Port A did Covid vaccines in a parking lot at Island Moorings a couple of times. Literally everyone I know did it there if they hadn’t already done it at HEB like I did. There wasn’t a bus but is was really easy to go get it. Unfortunately the first 2 times they had excess shots, but they then took those shots to IGA and asked anyone that walked in the door if they wanted one.
  21. Yes, that will solve the Covid problem in NY. JFC. You and I probably agree on most everything Covid related. I’m sorry you don’t see that. Peace, woman.
  22. Most Everyone that has reopened in Port A required their employees to get tested. You’ll be fine. If you are at north padre I’d go to scuttlebutts or the burger company
  23. So it appears that the EU may ban U.S. tourists again. Meanwhile the U.S. has a current ban on tourists from the EU and other countries. Penelope: stupid Americans are going to ruin my vacation. Also Penelope: so I’m having some Covid symptoms that I haven’t had in over a year. Go get tested? Meh. It’s almost like we are still in the middle of a global pandemic or something.
  24. So I heard a new excuse last night for not getting vaccinated. “I’m not getting the shot because it only works for 6 months and then you need to get a booster.” So this asshole admits it works but still won’t go get it. His friend has Covid and just got out of the hospital. Fuck these people.
  25. What did you like at Tortugas? I still can’t quite figure out what to order there.
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