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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. That’s cheap. I don’t even have a full time captain anymore. It’s a fishing boat. My friends with much larger and nicer boats are upwards of 10,000 a month. One of my very good friends budgets 200,000 a year for payroll and maintenance. That doesn’t include fuel, say 2000ish bucks per day. Or entry fees to tournaments. Friend just came in 2nd place in Texas Legends tournament this weekend. He won around 80,000. His entry fees including optional pots was around 30,000 (you can enter and fish for around 4,000 but if you did that and won without getting in the optional pots your payout would be 15,000). The winner won 200,000. There were 34 boats in the tournament. You do the math.
  2. Unfortunately, at least here in Port Aransas, almost nobody is wearing masks anymore. I was at an outdoor bar tonight and a guy gave me shit for using hand sanitizer after using the restroom. It was basically “what are you scared of the flu”? The bartender also questioned me wondering if they were out of soap. I’m like no, I do this everywhere I go. I’m all with you on the asshats. But I think it’s more of an intelligence issue and it’s worldwide. Americans are just worse than most. I have a ton of Costa Rican friends and about half will never take the vaccine and the other half desperately want it but can’t get it. Their vax rate is around 15% because they can’t get it. So in that sense, we are lucky in the U.S.
  3. No not at all. It was impossible to get Covid, or now Delta in low case states? It’s impossible to control the spread of a virus if you are allowing travel. This isn’t even an argument. Y’all did very good in NY after the initial surge because you masked up and limited indoor dining and bars. I’ve been beating that drum since I started the Texas Covid thread. Again, I agree with you. Fuck, this is part of our problem. I get angry, you get angry and meanwhile nobody is doing anything constructive to help solve the problem.
  4. I get where you are coming from, honestly. This shit sucks and I am beyond tired of it. I don’t travel like you do but I did have a trip ruined to France, Spain and Italy last year. I have a boat in Costa Rica that I basically have been unable to use for the last year and a half. That’s roughly 4 grand in slip fees and maintenance every month. It sucks.
  5. Do you have an airport?
  6. Port A did Covid vaccines in a parking lot at Island Moorings a couple of times. Literally everyone I know did it there if they hadn’t already done it at HEB like I did. There wasn’t a bus but is was really easy to go get it. Unfortunately the first 2 times they had excess shots, but they then took those shots to IGA and asked anyone that walked in the door if they wanted one.
  7. Yes, that will solve the Covid problem in NY. JFC. You and I probably agree on most everything Covid related. I’m sorry you don’t see that. Peace, woman.
  8. Most Everyone that has reopened in Port A required their employees to get tested. You’ll be fine. If you are at north padre I’d go to scuttlebutts or the burger company
  9. So it appears that the EU may ban U.S. tourists again. Meanwhile the U.S. has a current ban on tourists from the EU and other countries. Penelope: stupid Americans are going to ruin my vacation. Also Penelope: so I’m having some Covid symptoms that I haven’t had in over a year. Go get tested? Meh. It’s almost like we are still in the middle of a global pandemic or something.
  10. So I heard a new excuse last night for not getting vaccinated. “I’m not getting the shot because it only works for 6 months and then you need to get a booster.” So this asshole admits it works but still won’t go get it. His friend has Covid and just got out of the hospital. Fuck these people.
  11. What did you like at Tortugas? I still can’t quite figure out what to order there.
  12. Did you talk to Jason? I’ve lost touch but used to hang out in sort of the same crowd with him back in the 90’s. Sounds like you played right after my dad who played for Bradley. ‘65 would have been my dad’s senior year, or maybe ‘66. To one of your points he was from West Virginia. Never ended up playing much because Bradley thought he shot too much and didn’t like defense and my dad will admit that’s probably accurate. Anyway, Leon was the assistant coach then and my dad has always talked way more about Coach Black than he does Bradley.
  13. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/07/14/why-vaccine-shy-french-are-suddenly-rushing-to-get-jabbed ”COVID-19 VACCINATION rates are slowing in many rich countries. As they inoculate more of their citizens, countries begin to meet resistance among people who are less confident about being jabbed. Few people have been more vaccine-sceptic than the French. A poll carried out by Ifop in December reported that a remarkable 61% of them would not get vaccinated against covid-19—compared with 30% in America. In another poll in 2018, one-in-three told the Wellcome Trust that they did not think vaccines were safe—more than in any other country out of 144 surveyed.” it’s interesting, and from December, and apparently their idiots are “smarter” than ours or at least they are willing to change their tune. I wish we would do something like France just did and basically mandate the vax for doing anything in public. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/03/08/covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-is-worse-in-eu-than-us/?sh=49694544611f “The numbers in the U.S. are significantly better than the E.U. Last month, in collaboration with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the RECOVER Social Sciences team published a policy brief based on their study on public views of Covid-19 vaccination. The study covered seven European countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine. Only 36% of the surveyed Europeans strongly agree with the statement that vaccines are safe. Posed the question whether respondents would be willing to be vaccinated if the vaccine was found to be safe and effective and provided free-of-charge, only between 44% and 66% answered in the affirmative. Moreover, a separate poll in France found that only 40% of French people want the Covid-19 vaccine. Poll after poll conducted across Europe suggest very large numbers of Europeans have serious qualms about the safety of vaccines and potential short- and long-term adverse effects. They also voice concern about the speed with which vaccines went through the clinical development process. A vocal minority perceives the vaccine as unnecessary. And many have conveyed their mistrust of global and national authorities as well as pharmaceutical companies, who some regard as solely pursuing financial interests and not those of public health.” Anyway, MNLonghorn has lost his mind during Covid and I went after him multiple times on the old DT thread, or maybe it was dcar but they have both been pretty much interchangeable in my mind, but what bothers me is Penelope going after American idiots. We aren’t unique because the world is full of idiots. Americans didn’t ruin her damn vacation. The world did. I’m guessing that is kind of where he is coming from.
  14. It’s time to go to work on the 20-40 year old age group. It’s fucking shocking how many of them aren’t getting vaccinated. Good friend of mines daughter is 24 and has a job that requires her to travel all over the country. She’s out at bars pretty much every night. Both her parents are vaxxed but they are hesitant to ask her to do it because of concerns about infertility. Meanwhile her employer is telling her they are going to reassign her if she doesn’t do it. My girlfriend’s daughter is 26 and she is flat refusing to get vaccinated solely because her idiot boyfriend told her not to. He doesn’t have much of a reason other than he thinks he is really smart. He’s 26 and drives Uber for a living. Fortunately her father has told idiot boyfriend that he is not allowed in the house until he’s vaccinated. So far that isn’t working. Maybe they just want to kill all us olds off.
  15. If you can, put a sink in with a disposal. Don’t spend the money on an outdoor tv just buy a cheap tv and cover it and then when it breaks throw it away and buy a new one. You can never have too much seating and spend the extra money on quality outdoor furniture otherwise you will be replacing it often.
  16. Welp, we are now up to eight restaurants that are closed or have been closed this week due to Covid. Most have been pretty open about it but a few holdouts went with the staffing issue, so fuck you. So it’s FINS, Trout Street, Castaways, Moby Dick’s, Shells, Tortugas, Grumbles, Stingrays. That I know of. Also 361 Bar. Most are reopened now after testing all employees. It’s an utter clusterfuck down here.
  17. Damn that’s really high. Any idea what brought it on? Make sure you stay hydrated because that’s one thing that definitely elevates mine. My onset was a severe panic attack. im slightly elevated without meds. I Take metoprolol - low dosage- once daily which puts me right back in normal range.
  18. Apparently you are not pretty good at math. To be fair, that would require him to further break it down into vaccine efficacy as components of get virus, show symptoms,, get hospitalized, or die. That’s a shitton of math.
  19. Yup. I was floored by one of the people that brought up the ivermectin. The other 0ne not so much.
  20. I got that one today from 2 different people. After reading enough responses, I blocked them. Fucking Facebook. Unfortunately it’s the only way I can communicate with a few family members so I can’t delete it again.
  21. 5 restaurants in Port A closed now. Won’t name anyone but if they tell you it’s a water leak, or staffing or something they are lying.
  22. I mean it worked for dwi’s so let’s get graphic. Put it out there with public service ads that say *THIS* is what might happen to you if you refuse the vaccine. Show what they do when they intubate. It ain’t pretty. instead we argue over Fauci and the cdc and Trump. But I’m the bad guy here.
  23. Actually I do and I’ve said it before. While everyone whines about this and that, maybe we can do something constructive. Let’s put trauma babe and her partners with a film crew in every tv area and have them film an intubation and then interview the family. Local news. I’m all for scare tactics right now. Or we can continue to argue about Trump.
  24. Ok, whatever. I’m outta here. Sure y’all will miss me.
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